The start-ups is for some an alternative to permanent employment. Once there is a good idea, you can start. But quite as straightforward, it is then usually not. Only those who are well vorausdenkt has excellent Erfolgschanche. It helps a good business plan. Who this really good nbsperarbeitet &, also has good possibilities for successful management. Some people starting a business is already paralyzed from the beginning, more precisely, when it comes to the financing of start-ups. Also nbspan & applying for funding are often lacking or it can not find any investors. There are many reasons, the most frequently observed reason, however, is a business plan that is not convincing. Who in the design with nihct with the business plan gives the erfoderlich effort, will be able to banks, investors or other recorded no chance of success. Then there were the troubles, which was put into the business plan into meaningless and the result is disappointing. Moreover, many failEntrepreneurs already in the beginning of their enterprise. Also here is the cause is often found in inadequate planning for enterprise creation. The business plan is a tool that is in the preparation of business start one Hife. With the help of this document, starting a business & nbspumfassend can be planned and to meet the various contingencies and devised to investigate. Who here thinks she can do without just to Vorbilanzierung of Finance or the topic of marketing in the business to be able to ignore, the wiederfhrt frequently in the initial phase of an enterprise nasty obstacles. A bank or an investor will have been left with a business plan, in which crucial information left out, certainly not convinced. A detailed and convincing business plan is of great importance – after all, are rejected approximately seventy to eighty percent of all applications for financial support for business with banks. Before you get down to work, you should therefore wellcan advise how to write a business plan. There are many good books on this subject. Obtain information about it, what conditions, for example, a bank or an investor usually puts on a business plan. There are enormous differences. Who here is not sufficiently informed, will face problems to implement successfully its business plan into action. Before your business plan with a bank or elsewhere, submit, you should use this also checked. Do it without any case of amateurs who are not familiar with the topic really well, but you seek the opinion of professional advisers. With the help of a consultant, the Chamber of Commerce or other institutions Their plan is watertight and the first foundation stone for success is laid.