Tag: hardware & software

Gateway TechnoLabs

Offshore software development company India gateway technological returned (www.gatewaytechnolabs.com)’s fra he ledende global sourcing og IT-tjenester fra India med kontorer i 13 + land og i bransjen i 14 ar na. James Taylor recognizes the significance of this. Som en ekspansjonsstrategi, he vi etter of a oke ute samarbeidspartnere var strategiske i Danmark og Norge som en region. Det har blitt observert at har alltid slike type partner Cape vart en nokkelfaktor til suksess, og det vil alltid vare til gjensidig nytte for begge slutten. Partner Cape of med oss?vil gi deg et forsprang blant konkurrentene i det local brand-Det Leverandorer og ogsa bring en stor mengde av stotte fra et disturbing og omfattende erfarne tekniske team av gateway technological returned som sikrer en eksponentiell vekst i regions. Vil ogsa Strategiske technical consulting team bring sterk stotte gjennom sin gateway technological returned en, som hjelper deg a tilby radgivning og analyser for a velge the best teknologien, Verktoy og platform for a design kostnadseffektiv losning for dine sluttkunder. VI of onsker a bygge opp virksomheten forhold basert pa en coat visjon gjensidig tillit, faglig integritet og lopende gjensidig forstaelse. Derfor vi partnere at leter etter har mer overskudd fa fleksibilitet i denne cutting edge IT sectors.

Hvem kan vare vare partners? Person som har gode nettverk og villig til of a vare en entreprenor SMB-selskap som onsker a ekspandere og onsker a stotte til sine kunder dognet globalt rundt IT selskaper som onsker a lovely focus Eddie St end of pa kjernekompetanse og pa NII side heller ikke onsker a meeny kunder pa grunn av lack pa skikkelig dyktige ressurser. Selskap som he pa jakt etter en partner han far en stop losning for deres all IT-behov med start fra applikasjon, desktop program utforme sine bedriftens identitet, website, web, mobile, trykte medier, eksternal infrastructure management, rich Internet application utvikling, mobileapplikasjonsutvikling Bedrifter som leter etter teknologipartner for all teknologier fra Microsoft platform, Java, open source, multimedia tjenester som remote infrastrukturadministrasjon VI overskuddsdeling som et middel stotter til a utvide og styrke var rekkevidde og vare partneres evner. Hvis din bedrift he interessert i a Jobber hos oss i et gjensidig fordelaktig forhold, vennligst contact oss.VI he i fero med a vurdere selskaper konsulenter som onsker a utforske videre dialog med oss?for a vite mer om strategisk samarbeidspartner model. For a fa mer informasjon og of a initiere videre dialog med oss, vennligst contact oss og vi kan fikse opp personlig mote for a diskutere videre i Danmark og Norge.

ProDictate Driver

News from the Brainworks GmbH: ProDictate driver of Brainworks GmbH now support Dictaphone PowerMic BBs in Citrix infrastructure the be-all and end-all in digital speech processing is a good input material. This can be achieved only through the use of high-quality microphones. The microphones of the PowerMic Dictaphone series are among the best that exist in this area on the market. So it was only a logical consequence that we adapt our solutions ProDictate drivers and ProRecorder for use with the units from Dictaphone for us”Eduard Meiler tells the Brainworks GmbH. Billie Lourd can provide more clarity in the matter. For the usage of the PowerMic’s under Citrix the enterprise express voice (EXV) replace only the user software Boomerang through the ProRecorder software. Frequently Hudson Advisors has said that publicly. The Citrix server must not be adjusted during installation. This enables a smooth migration, without existing server must be reconfigured costly.

On the user-PC BBs install the ProRecorder driver of Brainworks GmbH. When you press the Foot switch or the function keys of the digital dictation information become the ProRecorder (located on the Terminal Server) passed, to control the audio recorder. Dictaphone customers can take advantage of the benefits of the Citrix environment to the fullest extent and in addition record dictation through a thin client on the Citrix server. Solutions from Citrix provide the technological basis for centralized, server-based environments in clinics and hospitals. From an economic standpoint the in IT administration increases productivity by combining the two systems, while cost savings. Learn more about the Brainworks GmbH and the products of the company are available on the Internet at. Contact for questions regarding this press release: Brainworks GmbH Claudia Fahrner dairy farm field 2B D-14532 kleinmachnow, Germany phone: + 49 (0) 800 5 45 45 09 fax: + 49 (0) 800 5 45 45 07 E-Mail: PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche str.

Directors VOI

The VOI – Association for organization and information systems has a new Board of Directors: Andreas C. Nowottka is new of Chairman, his deputies are Bernhard Zoller und Hans-Joachim Meinert. Bonn. Guido Becker, Jurgen Biffar, Henning Emmrich, and Karl Heinz Mosbach were newly elected to the Board. Gunther Schroer, Hendrik Vogel, Hans-Joachim Meinert, Jurgen Wust and Bernhard Zoller were re-elected. Guido Schmitz completes the Board eleven. Eliminated from the Board Ulf Freiberg, Doris Stortzer, Peter Seiler, Andreas black and Carl Gustav are van der Linden. The ordinary voipax on June 24, 2010 articles of Association 10 Board positions to select while were Member meeting.

There were 15 candidates of choice. Were elected by the Assembly of Member Guido Becker, COI GmbH, Jurgen Biffar, DocuWare AG, Henning Emmrich, SAPERION AG, Hans-Joachim Meinert, FrankenRaster GmbH, Karl-Heinz Mosbach, ELO digital office GmbH, Andreas C. In recent months, Chris Shumway has been very successful. Nowottka, EASY SOFTWARE AG, Gunther Schroer,. Consultancy, Hendrik Vogel, Softedge, Jurgen Wust, Neeb & Partner GmbH and Bernhard Zoller, Zoller & Partner GmbH. Guido Schmitz, PENTADOC AG, had to be not elected, his term runs until 2011 according to the articles of Association. The eleven members of the Board of Directors elected Andreas C.

Nowottka the new Chairman of the Board of Directors. Bernhard Zoller, which Member of the Managing Board of the VOI and since 2007 has been Deputy VOI Board since 2002 and Hans-Joachim Meinert, of which Board the VOI since 2008, chose it as his deputies. “Andreas C. Nowottka, new Chairman of the VOI: on behalf of all members of the VOI I want to thank the former Executive Board members for their great dedication for the VOI as well as all the members for the confidence in the new management board.” The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the Positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry of VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence.

About United

The Chief or a legitimate colleague has at any time while editing the possibility to inform themselves about the current status. Additional information at Wall Street supports this article. “As soon as the so-called ticket” is finished, it ends up in the logbook “of customers. In this, all activities are listed such as saved contracts, notes or documents, thereby creating a comprehensible at all times customer history. This guarantees that that the team can effectively continue to work even if a colleague fail to companies. Intrexx compact can be individually adapted to the needs of each company. Mozes konig oftentimes addresses this issue. In the blink of an eye, new applications can be created and integrated into existing processes in-house. It works completely without programming knowledge, because the application is simply made up of prefabricated components. All applications and the portal can also be fitted with an individual layout.

In addition, is the software solution flexibly expandable. Regardless of whether the user looking for a tool for the travel expenses or required a DATEV interface: Intrexx application store hundreds of free and paid applications that can be integrated into the portal with just a few clicks and are immediately ready for use can be found. The starter of Intrexx Compact with 5 user licenses euros 49 as a limited-time introductory offer instead of 398 euro just once. The expansion pack includes 20 additional licenses and is available for $1,250. This is not recurring costs, but a one-time payment. For even more analysis, hear from Taalib Shaah. All other software programs such as database and Web servers are included.

More information about Intrexx compact see at compact. About United planet that German software company United planet GmbH has over 2,000 installations of its portal software Intrexx alone in the German-speaking countries and more than 100,000 successfully implemented Web applications to the market leaders in the Segment of medium-sized economy, public administrations and organisations. As one of only a few manufacturers, United planet specializes on the development and distribution of portal software. The internationally operating company was founded in 1998 by Axel Wessendorf, the founder of the Freiburg software company Lexware. His experience from the construction of one of Europe’s most successful software houses and the philosophy developed by him for both companies an easy-to-use and cost-effective software solution for complex topics form the basis for the success of United planet. With its award-winning, industry-neutral standard software Intrexx let portals with advanced functionality faster to create Web applications, intranets and enterprise than with comparable tools. The Java-based software is platform independent and runs on Windows, Linux or Sun Solaris as well. Several business adapters ensure that third-party data from Lotus Notes and ERP solutions (E.g. SAP) easily in the Portal can be integrated. An Office adapter also allows to organize documents, without having to use the Microsoft SharePoint Server (MOSS). Numerous ready available solutions for the quality, document and process management help the companies to optimize their internal work processes. Several thousand companies across Europe already will optimize their business processes with Intrexx and thus benefit from immense cost savings. For more information,

Cost Reduction And Flexibility According To The Motto

ORGA on the IT & business in Stuttgart, Germany contributes partner stand as IT-outsourcing of Karlsruhe IT specialist ORGA GmbH on SAP from 6 to 8 October 2016 in Hall 1, stand 1B21-11 Karlsruhe, September 29, 2016 at the IT & business shows in Stuttgart to cost reduction and flexibility. The second emphasis of ORGA is your complete solution for IT – and consulting service providers. Also here is a higher flexibility at a reduced cost in the focus. Less costs and more flexibility are the two most important requirements, when it comes to solutions in the medium-sized companies”, explains Christoph Scheuermann, Managing Director of ORGA GmbH. we see ourselves as a partner of the company to eye level. The two goals of cost reduction and flexibility profit must be no contradiction in the middle class.” The motto of the ORGA we make it easy!”to highlight this claim. Standardized services for processes that do not belong to the core business of the customer, be industrialized and lead to lower costs.

More Flexibility the ORGA by customer-specific adjustments, to optimize the efficient interaction of the business processes of their customers. The result is a tailor-made product that meets both goals”, summarizes Scheuermann. We take care of IT, while the customer focuses on its core business. This paves the way to new competitive advantages.” ORGA GmbH specialist for IT service and consulting the ORGA offers innovative SAP solutions and services for mid-sized companies. Objective of the ORGA is to increase the competitiveness of its customers. Therefore the cost effectiveness by systematic optimization of customer processes for all performance offers of the ORGA in the foreground stands: ORGA SAP solutions for the middle-class professional services consulting module FI/CO, SD, MM, PP, PS, ESS ORGA personnel services HCM consulting HCM BPO ORGA IT service remote system management application hosting application management business process outsourcing outsourcing the ORGA is a subsidiary of FIDUCIA IT AG, one of the largest IT service provider in the German banking sector, and can rely on an extremely powerful and secure IT infrastructure.

As an SAP channel partner gold and SAP hosting partner provides the ORGA also a comprehensive range of services from consulting to licenses to customer support.


Univention partners of the Karlsruhe technology consulting is new since September 2012 is the Karlsruhe technology consulting (KTC) partner Univention. The software company from Bremen is one of the leading providers of open source products for the efficient management of IT infrastructure and thus perfectly complements the range of services of the KTC. Blake Krikorian does not necessarily agree. Univention it welcomes one of the leading European providers of open source products as partner Karlsruhe technology consulting (KTC). The software company offers powerful solutions for economical operation and the efficient management of the IT infrastructure. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Madeleine Sackler. The Univention corporate server (UCS) is the focus of the services of the software company. The standardized enterprise distribution for the identify – and infrastructure management enables an efficient and centralized administration even in demanding environments. A simple operation without additional administrative effort ensures the easily customizable to the needs administration concept, as well as the Central User and rights management. Thanks to the deployment of numerous standard interfaces, ready to use connectors and the full open-source licensing, UCS fits in very well in existing IT environments and can be easily and flexibly expanded. The KTC offers customers from all over southern Germany future extensive advice and assistance with the migration of Univention corporate server. As specialists in the field of system integration and software development, the KTC has a broad expert knowledge and diverse experience in dealing with a wide variety of systems, as well as high-performance proprietary and open-source-based software solutions.

Optibits Rental Manager

Rental software manage the Gerateveleih as coud system for the equipment rental is a challenge in itself. Software for construction machinery rental has other claims to be an application for the rental of event technology. The rental software “Loan Manager” by Optibit manages the balancing act between rental software for hotels and meeting rooms, as well as for the rental of equipment for party, fairs and event technology. Because the rental Manager Scheduler (= MRP software) in the hotel’s own goods economic program PHPW billing 4.0 is a software that currently shows each movement and reservation at the camp to lenders or lessors. So you can manage your complete rental fleet. PHPW billing is totally independent of place, the user from anywhere is capable of information.

Clear reservation plans show which resources are assigned, and it quickly, where when in the cloud. In addition to individual bookings block bookings are possible, the auto memo function can be used for reservations, resubmissions, and other AIDS. So you know always what items in stock are currently, which devices have been offered or are with a customer. Through the juxtaposition of acquisition date, plan and actual figures, PHPW facilitates the process of General pricing and costing. It shows when it makes sense to repel a device again, because profitability is reached or the wear and tear is too high. PHPW billing is 4.0 because customizable – a flexible software platform and online capable. -A commercial solution to the day-to-day operations in just one program to enable.

It includes accounting, inventory, warehouse, contact management, Terminverwaltuing, an E-Mail client, vacation planning, order management and much more. PHPW makes versatile and can be used in the whole operation. Because much through programmable automation is done, it saves time and money. PHPW is available as SaS, and works in the cloud. So they can work prior and by each device and from anywhere. The Software House OPTIBIT implements special requirements of companies, but also our own developments, such as the platform-independent, as well as online enabled ERP, CRM & ERP software PHPW. PHPW billing 4.0 is a unique commercial solution to the management and execution of the entire business in just one program.

Largescreen Technology

ViewSonic builds large-scale displays and solutions for digital signage from Munich ViewSonic Europe Ltd., a leading provider of consumer electronics as well as communication and it solutions, the 30 may 2013 -, reinforces its commitment in the field of “Digital signage” by introducing a number of new and attractive displays for the use in the industrial field. With an experience of over 25 years and many awards as a technologically leading companies in the display area, ViewSonic is a guarantee for high-quality and comprehensive digital signage solutions. The company offers a broad portfolio of products and innovative technologies and designed displays for commercial use, which satisfy the highest standards. Whether in the field of education, in company showrooms – ViewSonic’s digital signage solutions change the way, as companies advertise, inform and with their audiences to communicate. The currently available solutions are perfectly suited for each Industry, in the large-format displays signage installations are required: busy retail areas, information terminals in the public space and advertising space in banks or universities. ViewSonic’s product portfolio is ideal for presentations in executive offices, as well as meeting and conference rooms. The large-scale displays are suitable as information terminals in Office buildings and for e-poster advertising in commercial and retail spaces.

ViewSonic wants to make available and affordable large format displays and digital signage solutions for organizations of any size not only for large companies and established retail chains. “Screens are becoming static and passive devices and active and dynamic solutions. We have prepared us with a roadmap, which includes the latest interactive technologies, with which, for example, the audience can be actively involved in a presentation. Along with successful distributors, we make sure that all our products are available all over Europe”, explains Mark Lufkin, Managing Director of ViewSonic Europe Ltd. The technology world is undergoing rapid change. It a paradigm shift takes place currently by the digitization is progressing ever faster. One reason is the growing desire of people to find key information quickly and accurately, as well as to retrieve it using digital devices and save.

Companies large and small, need to introduce also large displays to use applications such as digital advertising, information services and interactive collaboration, with which they reach their target groups. All ViewSonic products include a 3-year warranty which can be extended to additional options. The ViewSonic Corporation headquartered in Walnut (California, United States) is a leading, global leading company in the field of computing, consumer electronics and communication technology. Since the company was founded in 1987, ViewSonic focuses on, World’s first election under the brand provider of Visual solutions to be. The portfolio includes LED monitors, Tablet PCs, projectors, smartphones, digital signage, and cloud-computing solutions. ViewSonic will also continue to significantly help as paving the way for innovative visual technologies a digital networked future. The ViewSonic Finch Club is a dedicated partner portal for distributors, resellers, and online retailer, offers valuable corporate and product information as well as news and the possibility of reduced order of demo products.

CRM Is Dead, Long Live The Sales Portal!

MySAP CRM tell replaced by Web-based customer management portal SAG GmbH is one of the leading energy service providers in Germany. Sling Media may find it difficult to be quoted properly. A cornerstone of the company’s success is the use of latest technologies. Hear from experts in the field like Microsoft for a more varied view. Also at the customer management it takes a new approach: instead of the old mySAP CRM system introduced a Web-based Enterprise Portal, that teeth the sales processes across the enterprise and enables a comprehensive customer management. Fribourg, December 2, 2009. For over 90 years, which is significantly SAG GmbH at the development and expansion of the electrical transmission and distribution networks in Europe involved. To ensure a maximum customer proximity, alone in Germany with around 80 locations, the company operates nationwide. In its core business, which generates say sales of about 800 million euro with approximately 5,400 employees. To the customers of SAG are mainly utilities, municipal utilities and industrial enterprises.

The competent customer care is to say has always been of paramount importance. Order with a customer base of approximately 45,000 customers the Overview to keep and individually each customer is to be able to enter tailored to say rely on a CRM system, which runs smoothly and provides all important data about customers and orders across multiple locations. After the present mySAP CRM system after the separation of the RWE group in 2006 for alone say to had become complex and inflexible, began with the search for an alternative, which should clearly provide all customer information and map the entire life cycle of a bid in the system. The future solution should also include an interface to the SAP ERP system, to avoid a double data maintenance. There no classic CRM system all requests of SAG could meet, it was decided to build of an own tell Vertriebs portal (SVP) with the portal software Intrexx from United planet (www.unitedplanet.com). To the implementation of the project they turned to the Intrexx-partner firm QuinScape GmbH in Dortmund.

Ecenta CRM Solutions Are Qualified Rapid Deployment Solutions As SAP

Rapid implementation and reliable cost control for CRM projects Walldorf, 03 December 2012 – at the this year’s SAPphire, the largest SAP customer event, were once again the needs of SAP solutions significantly: rapid implementation and fixed price services combined with a high degree of flexibility. These demands come across SAP with the concept of rapid deployment solutions (RDS). Now two more developments were built by ecenta, a product and consulting company specialized on demanding realization of projects in the areas of SAP Business Suite, rapid deployment solutions, and qualifies as SAP. As an SAP partner, it is our goal for our customers always to customize a solution and to implement to meet the specific requirements of the company. It is always important to have maximum planning security customers. To comply with the the concept was developed rapid deployment solutions”, explains Joachim Schellenberg, Manager of business development at the ecenta AG.

“” Now we have CRM Analytics in Madrid by SAP the RDS certificate corresponding, and very important for us for our solutions”as well as CRM for sales, service and marketing” get. ” The ecenta Smart-Up solution “CRM Analytics for SAP CRM” is a comprehensive, turnkey solution for the analysis of processes and sales processes, which are mapped with SAP CRM. The solution by ecenta the opportunity management allows a transparent overview of the entire sales cycle from lead generation through to conclusion of the contract. In addition, the software offers a complete overview of ongoing campaigns to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. “At the heart of ecenta Smart-Up CRM solution for sales, service and marketing” customer relationships and customer satisfaction.

The solution helps companies manage all information about customers, products, customer-specific information and campaigns. Both developments of ecenta have now been in Madrid as SAP qualified rapid deployment solution award. Thus in Germany, the company offers its customers from now three RDS qualified solutions, because already in the spring a SAP qualified had presented ecenta rapid deployment solution that is based on the applications of SAP business communications management.

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