Synopsis The lives of women in drug trafficking, is the centerpiece of THE DOLLS OF THE POSTER, a production full of action and suspense, where love relationships that are woven into the world of drugs will be the focus. Braulio Bermudez, who is a big boss and he is tired of the relationship with his wife, Lucrecia, decides to have affairs with women much younger than he, and that is how he met five girls who dazzled by the luxury and extravagance around the world Mafia, decided to change their lives and turn from that moment a torture for them and their families. CHARACTERS: Braulio Bermudez Portrayed by Fernando Solorzano It is the biggest drug dealer who has El Carmen. He is married to Lucrecia, but wants to leave her to win the girls who appeal to you. It is dedicated to video games and have fun. Earn enough money without much effort. Lucrecia Played by Amparo Grisales Braulio wife and mother of Guadalupe. An ambitious and brave woman who raises everyone’s attention thanks to its sculpted body. Live in luxury for being a drug dealer’s wife and although her husband has filed for divorce in more than one occasion, is not prepared to lose what has been achieved. Brenda Played by Angelica Blandon Flor’s daughter and Jacinto.A young fighter who sells phone cards at traffic lights to make a living. The world of drug trafficking is a concern, by contrast, always manages a way to make money honestly. Do not let anyone and rarely keeps his mind. Olivia Portrayed by Katherine Escobar Is friends with Violet, Brenda and Renata. He knows he will have more money with both hands if he becomes the wife of a drug and therefore takes advantage of the opportunities that are presented to fulfill his dream. Renata Portrayed by Yuly Ferreira Aurora Eucides daughter and provided sacrifices for the welfare of his family is pretty humble, even if it means losing his own honor to get it. Violet Portrayed by Alejandra Sandoval Daughter of Gregorio, a lower-level drug trafficker.