Previdencirio Factor

The present work aims at to analyze the calculation of the pensioners being used themselves of the Previdencirio Factor and identifying to which the controversies of this with objective with which it was created. The problem of to be analyzed initially research is which the impact of the Previdencirio Factor in the income of the Brazilian pensioner? Being that currently this subject is subject of constant quarrel in the Senate and courts of Brazil, arguing itself it unconstitutionality and permanence of the factor in the calculation of the benefits granted for the Providence. With this intention, he will be demonstrated the losses that an insured has when requiring the retirement precociously, which, will be happened by the Previdencirio Factor and consequentemente by the supervened expectation of that he finishes for lowering the value of the retirement. One expects, therefore, to contribute for the clarification and matureness of the subject, in intention to demonstrate the suffered losses and thus to become the conscientious and critical people, as much in the hour to decide to retire of precocious form, how much to argue and to fight for its rights. Since, if the insured pensioner to continue working to improve its income, although to continue contributing with the National Institute of Seguro Social (INSS), he will not be able to get none another benefit, unless if it uses of justice and the previdencirio right for such fact. 2 SOCIAL WELFARE the Social welfare appeared with the necessity to diminish the social inaqualities and to guarantee rights to the workers, aiming at to protect it of eventual misfortunes, by means of contributions. Better to explain the history of the Social welfare one will become one brief communication on Public Administration and Social security. As Meirelles (2003) the Public Administration is a set of agencies that they look to reach the objectives of the government aiming at to the satisfaction of the collective necessities.