If the Right has as function to favor the establishment of the dignity of the person human being and the social peace, the Enviromental law, as branch of this science, guardianship the environment in favor of raising the quality of life and promoting the common good, focusing the intercession between society, ecology and economy on behalf of the support. As much the protection of the ambient balance how much the economic development constitutes recognized rights of our Federal Constitution, that places the ambient protection as elementary in the intercession between the economic order and the welfare state. At ClearSky Business you will find additional information. Art. 170. The economic order, established in the valuation of the human work and in the free initiative, has finally to assure to all worthy existence, as the ditames of social justice, observed the following principles: … VI – prohibited of the environment … With the purpose to harmonize such interests, that at the same time seem to collide themselves and to complement themselves, it appears what we call ambient economy, definite as the branch of economic sciences that has for objective to balance problems as the scarcity of the natural resources and the improvement of the quality of life with the protection of the productive process, by means of the rational exploration of the environmental resources and having as central focus the internalizao of the externalidades. Consonant the Law of the scarcity, the environment is had as a economic good. According to such market imperfections, that they are the negative externalidades of the activity, if thus unfolding in what flame of privatization of the profits and socialization of the damages. The internalizao of the ambient costs of the economic activities is had as one of the most important principles that the Enviromental law conducts, the beginning of the Paying Polluting agent.