The Origin

The men would still have the two previous levels and the rational soul. Its workmanship Of livens up, can be considered the first one treated in Psychology. Psychology in the Roman Empire and Average Age One of the main characteristics of this period is the appearance and development of the Christianity, a religious force that passes the force dominant politics. To speak of Psychology in this period is to relate it the religious knowledge, since to the side of the economic power and politician, the Church Catholic also monopolizes of knowing e, consequently, the study of the psiquismo. In this direction two great philosophers represent this period: Saint Augustin, inspired by Plato, also made a split between the soul and the body, however the soul was not only the headquarters of the reason, but the test of a divine manifestation in the man. They are Toms de Aquino was to search in Aristotle the distinction between essence and existence. As the Greek philosopher, it considers that the man, in its essence, searchs the perfection through its existence.

It still affirms, that God would only be capable to congregate the essence and the existence, in equality terms. Therefore, the search of perfection for the man would be the search of God. Psychology in Renaissance In this period Discardings claimed to the separation between mind (soul, spirit) and body, affirming that the man possesss a material substance and a pensante substance, and that the body, unprovided of the spirit, is only one machine. This dualism mind-body becomes possible the study of the human body deceased, what it was impensvel in the previous centuries, and of this form, makes possible the advance of the Anatomy and the Physiology, that would go to contribute in very for the progress of proper Psychology. The Origin of Scientific Psychology in middle of century 19 that the problems and subjects of Psychology, until then studied exclusively for philosophers, also start to be, investigated for the Physiology and the Neurofisiologia in particular.