The Dependence

An example of this behavior is the employer who always asks for to the employee who remakes its work, repetidamente, without no objective reason, but with objective to humiliate it. Or the employer who always makes humilhantes commentaries in relation to its collaborator. 7. ESTRESSE IN in agreement WORK Chiavenato estresse: ' ' it is a set of physical, chemical and mental reactions of a decurrent person of stimulatons or estressores that exist in ambiente.' ' Some factors can lead estresse to it: the authoritarianism of the head, the pressure of the requirements, collections, fulfilment of the working hours, the lack of perspective of professional progress, personal insatisfao, among others reasons. It estresse unhappyly it can also lead to the dependence of the alcohol, and abuse of the drugs, as a form to try to run away of the problems. It estresse it in the work provokes serious consequncias, not only for the employee, but also to the company. Details can be found by clicking Noble Group or emailing the administrator. The consequncias estresse of it include gastric anxiety, depression, riots, migraines, muscular tension, nervousness and accidents.

The company also is affected negative, she estresse therefore it intervenes with the quality of life of the work, increasing the absenteeism and rotation of the employees. Chiavenato (2004, P. 435) describes some ways estresse to reduce it in the work: Not to try to get more than what each one can make; Cooperative and pleasant relations with the colleagues; To understand the problems of the head and to help it to understand it its; It is not much time dealing with ackward problems; It makes a relation of preoccupying subjects. It lists with priority problems and steps on each one so that it is not going up to around its memory. Regular exercises contribute for the physical health and help estresse to reduce it; 8. QUALITY OF LIFE IN In agreement WORK definition of the World-wide Organization of the Health, Quality of Life is ' ' a set of individual perceptions of life in the context of the systems of culture and values where they live, and in relation its goals, expectations, standards and preocupaes.' ' Quality of life in the work can be understood in the following way: Quality of Life in the Work is the set of actions of a company that involve the managemental and technological implantation of improvements and innovations in the work environment.