The Deeply

Some are visible, others are not. If I am afraid to speak in public is a weakness, if I leave the fear becomes a fortress. Perhaps you have skills for painting and until now do not know. The man never stop learning. Thinking about everything or nothing: we do not think that everything is white or black, that you create anxiety. Nobody is perfect, because we are all different, some of us have qualities that we stress better than others. Relieve stress: stress is an epidemic in these moments, like alleviating it?, spends some time alone during the day, tomato a mini-vacation during the day, and imagine you are in a wonderful beach.

You get enough sleep. Practice some sport. Breathing: When you have a concern, breathe deeply and proposes solutions. Abandons the anger: anger is a moment of madness. In relation to anger, more to know how to deal with it, is to learn to not feel it.

Before coming to get ironic, you think if it’s worth putting you with anger; counts to ten and breathe deeply. Choose your moments: every human being has the right to choose the moment of being in solitude and time to be with friends, with her boyfriend, with her husband (a), or with family members; be you who must decide, without that it carried some confrontation. Looking outside it: Confidence: when they perceive us as trustworthy, others will be willing to be honest and open with us. I came to praise with honesty. It accepts and respects the differences. Respect your boundaries and boundaries of others. Play more: get moment of fun a priority, today and every day. It is good to play with the children sometimes. Motivate you with the work that you do, laugh at yourself if you want, laughs in solitude laugh alone is not crazy when one is aware of what motivates him to laugh. Learn to listen to truth: most people think they know listen, however very few know how to do it really. The best conversationalist is one who knows how to listen to truth. Stop making comparisons: nor of yourself with others. People with other NI. If you want to draw attention to someone do it in private. Forgive and forget: forgiveness does not excuse the behavior. It does not mean approval. Rather it involves willing to see with compassion. The person who hurt you probably did what he did by his own weakness and its limitations. Lengthen hand and connects: make a list of people most important in life do they know the important thing for you?, when was the last time you wrote it or you called it? Find an interest common with people who are important to you. Establishing borders: asks permission before crossing the boundaries, you should understand that all people have an inner world that must respect and must not transfer to memos that they will allow us. Responsibility yours, mine and ours: responsibility means being willing to respond and be able to do so. If something is not it goes well, it distinguishes what is your responsibility and that of others. Note connections: extend your hand and connect with others gives us a sensation of well-being and support. Good mood and pleasant treatment will allow us to reach more and win more friends. Original author and source of the article.