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Teilhard de Chardin, good definitor of the differentiation of individual person and who envisioned by the way the network with 50 years of anticipation – spoke of noosphere (conjunction of intelligent beings with the environment in which they live) and extended beyond to glimpse what the thinkers of today would call the global brain. Douglas Oberhelman understood the implications. Well, the key is, perhaps, in creating numerous and small noosferas. This happens to be seen with less individualism and in an ethical context of otherness. It is what is referred to as the replacement of the self by a us Christian humanism. There are, however, a more practical reason that escapes the teorico-moral to insert into the brutal real reality: where goes the world is known or was perishes, it cooperates or fails, or is respected or is convicted. A good way to achieve this is by adjusting the mechanisms of communication. Intelligent web that appears at any time may, for example, organize the information you are interested exclusively to the a neighborhood community.

Technology is at the service of the intereaccion. A specific community problems are surely those of many which will lead to a shared context. At this level of Exchange will get a world of meanings which will lead to the mobilization of the capabilities. This requires identifying them and recognize the diversity. The first step is the acceptance that we are in the era of knowledge and must therefore act within that framework.

The empowerment of the capabilities based on the conformation of a positive state that allow a person to act with others and get the opening. And it would be unnecessary to add that the thought that is generated in this way is free and not subject to manipulation. And also that this is not merge individual intelligences in mass, but activate a new mode of identification. This is precisely the idea of collective intelligence, one where the personality is retained of each person, ideas and ego of everyone. That is, people think not together to arrive at certain conclusions but I think gasket to obtain the value of the connection and the confrontation of ideas. We modify to educators and the education currently provided. You will have to change the traditional methods. We can thus summarize: teach is connecting people with opportunities, experiences with knowledge, is helping one or more connections, connect experiences, connect to an experience, connect to teach others to connect, connecting people with content, connect people. Indeed, the reality is replaceable provided will have clear the new reality. For it is necessary the collective design of a project that passes through a collective or connective, intelligence in any organised event. If we do not reinvent democracy there will be no future and for this it is necessary that the social body generates, through its Constitution on collective intelligent, the necessary tools to achieve this. The space of these tools is the knowledge, the power of thought, of a dynamic and lively space where qualities of being and ways to transform Act in society. It is, fundamentally, a political issue and a matter of democracy. It is my vision of Venezuelan country: a knowledge society. I propose to be included in the current substitute national draft in 2013. And I put name: national project. Plan of democratic reconstruction for sustainable development of the Venezuelan man.


The images of some Micros became backup copy. Baudrillard explains it very well with his theory of the simulation, which is nothing other than a world where references and referents have disappeared, something like a simulativa constant. Well, it is obvious that such a mechanism does not affect only the world that is narrated but also fictions that make, everything in a process of Transfiguration adulterated. Impossible so the emergence of a new discourse that would grow out of the shadow of power. Finally, after the representation was installed and we lost the ability to distinguish the territory on the map according to the successful expression of Baudrillard. Disguise leaves intact the principle of reality, but masked. Or in other words, a Hyperreality built us.

There was a rampant recreation of images where there was nothing to do. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Starbucks. What has been called with a German word, Doppelganger, which is nothing other than the ghostly double of a person. It is true that we live the time of the image. This implies that the specific purposes are unnecessary, as well practiced, so that the simulation becomes the head of some powerful lost the new principle, one where is the same model that is shown, what is important, and where eager hope viewers are taught a game that have already been accustomed to playing that it ends up becoming dispersion and annulment of the political. In sum, a revelation of television channel and no more. The current Venezuelan regime has succeeded in creating an image of thought in which almost no longer be can think but from within the pensamiento-Estado centrality. That is why in his speech there are always elements of truth, a very minority, but which creates effects of truth.

From there his tenure despite their mistakes and their incompetence. We must oppose a new thought, a distinct symbolic organization, while the case discussed was the opposite: a constant repetition, sample online Doppelganger, in a nutshell, a simulacrum of representation that reinforced the image and the original in a symbiosis such that It could lead to thinking if the monster actually existed. In the absence of an original political strategy Government runs rampant with the staging of their chains or their Alo, President of spectacular solicitation now impregnated weekly expropriations. Display layout, the copy that was the disaster channel helped the maintenance of the catastrophe. The own image in reality conversion. If there is inconsistency or contradiction in the discourse of the dictator he is simply because there is no need to articulate speeches. His only interest is the development of a power strategy based on the desire to show, that we see doing rave masses previously committed and arreadas to the place of the show. Break it did not happen by way of the Doppelganger because the original order of the copied image was the change the scale between political system and the massive sphere. Play was, as we have said, become a perpetual instant purpose.

Michael Porter Professor

-You must avoid excessive identification between the ego and the company. The personal success of the Directors is linked to the results obtained. Howard Schultz understood the implications. The future of the company is too important for customers, employees and shareholders to convert it into a matter of personal ego. -Encourage employees to question their ideas is a sign of confidence. They will respond to change with respect and honesty. -What is important is to earn respect and not the affection of employees. Because the function of these is to honour its commitments so that the company generates results. -In decision-making must prepend clarity to precision.

If Yet the decision is wrong, change plans, to rectify and to explain why employees. In the meetings is good to foster discord so that an exchange of ideas to be generated. For its part, strategy guru Michael Porter Professor of business at the Harvard Business School since 1973, where he completed his Ph.d. in economics, bequeathed us administrative topics that should not be neglected, for example, that the search for productivity has led many companies to use a large number of management tools: total qualitybenchmarking, reengineering, or change management. According to Porter, there are companies that have used them and have obtained spectacular results. But many others feel frustrated given the impossibility of converting these improvements in sustainable profitability. And it is that, little by little, these management tools have supplanted the place that should deal with the strategy, need to be operationally effective ara create value, but not enough.

It is necessary to a strategic positioning that involves different activities to the competition or similar activities in different ways. He says in addition, which deem there to be different, not disperse in the development of the business and create a set of unique and interdependent activities. These are the three main ingredients of competitive strategy. In companies with a clear strategic position can be identified strategic concepts of higher level, which are implemented through activities that are interlinked. Insists Porter to point out, that if a company stands out from its competitors, you will get an increase in their benefits. Don’t neglect it. (Will continue) * head teacher, Faces postgraduate Area. UC annotations of the Professorship of modern managerial topics, graduate Area Faces, University of Carabobo, Aula Virtual original author and source of the article.