Tag: geography

Low San Francisco Medium

With effect, they earn meant in its economic base the traditional cultures of sugar cane-of-sugar, cassava, maize, beans and rice and, in special, the cattle extensive bovine. The CODEVASF comes exerting a decisive influence in the process of occupation of the regional space with the implantation of projects of public irrigation. The investments carried through for the CODEVASF in hdrica infrastructure workmanships in the region come attracting entrepreneurs of the south of the country for the installation of irrigation projects, therefore they spend only resources in the inversions of the parcels or lots. It is in the Low one San Francisco medium who if more locates the region modernized and diversified of all the Bahia in the production of fruits for exportation on the basis of the irrigation. The joint of the agriculture irrigated with agro-industrial activities could be a factor to make possible new investments in the region to produce ample effect economic.

The localization of Juazeiro in the navigable stretch of the river San Francisco that articulates the producing regions of the West, Medium and Low San Francisco Medium of the Bahia can favor the implantation of an infrastructure of hidrovirio transport that, beyond will make possible greater integration between these regions, would contribute for the development of the tourism. In turn, the lake of Sobradinho could better be used in such a way for the tourism how much for the fishing activity. Juazeiro if detaches, also, for being in the route of merchandises and deriving services southeastern Brazilian and of some regions of the Bahia for the Northeast, and vice versa. Juazeiro if includes between the great concentrations urban of the State of the Bahia, with its 230,538 inhabitants. He is distinguished as the only city of this transport in the Low Medium, congregating alone almost the totality of the inhabitants of the too much cities of the region in set (that he is of 250.916 inhabitants) the irrigation most intense in Juazeiro was subsequent to the construction of the barrage of Sobradinho, in the end of decade of 70 and beginning of the decade of 80, mainly with the settling projects, for the action of the federal government, through the SUVALE, that if he transformed later into the CODEVASF.

Tertiary Roads

The integrated strategy establishes with detail the relative priorities to the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Roads. The objectivos of these three classrooms of roads are the following ones: Primary roads: national integration and international linking; Tertiary roads: balanced and equitable development; Secondary roads: they have as white the production centers. The actuais politics for the sector of roads had been adoptees for the Government in 1998 (Government of Moambique, 1998). The politics adoptees establish the four main Moambique routes: Maputo? Pemba Is situated near the border of? Tete Lichinga? Main linking South North/ Lichinga? Pemba 4. The PAPER OF the CORRIDORS IN the NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT According to Rui Fonseca (1971), the idea of the development corridors that today Substantiate the strategies of growth of Moambique, did not fall of the sky had an intellectual father that it was Alcntara Saints. Get all the facts and insights with Kevin Johnson, another great source of information. The corridors, in the vision of Alcntara engineer Saints, were not an end in itself, but a way for the development. It defended the creation of development brigades the return of each corridor in order to facilitate the draining of the production for the corridors.

The idea was of that the corridors also had to develop the country from inside and not remaining solely as facilitadores of the international trade of the countries of hinterland. In synthesis, the vision of Alcntara was of that the corridors could construct polar regions of development also turned for agriculture helping in the commercialization the national production. She was a vision-master, in the direction of that it was faced as the door of entrance of some oxignio in our economy. 4.1 The paper of corridor of development of Maputo According to reviewed Xitimela (1996), the corridor of Development of Maputo contemplates mineral shares in the domain of the road transports and iron-ports, tourism, resources and agriculture. The central nucleus of this corridor is the international port of Maputo, and has three railroad sub-corridors: Limpopo that establishes linking with the Zimbabwe and is essentially used for the transit of the importations and exportations of that country of hinterland, nominated of general load, consumable industrials, sugar, steel, iron-crmio and tobacco.

Managing Plan

In order to get one better quality of life in the city and consequently better harmony enters the diverse inserted sectors in this space, that appears a sufficiently important element for the process of transformation and planning of diverse interventions in the urban space, the managing plan. Regarding the managing plan we can say that the managing plan is a set of laws that, among others attributions, defines the rules of use and occupation of the ground by means of the law of urban zoning (SPSITO, 2001). By its intermediary, the city is divided in zones where the use of the ground must obey the preset norms (MOREIRA, 2002). The managing plans extend its action stop beyond the planning of the use of the ground, its quarrels also contemplate relative questions the services of health, habitation, environment and urban cleanness. It is from the promulgation of the Brazilian constitution of 1988, that the elaboration of the managing plans one becomes more than obligator for cities with 20 a thousand inhabitants.

Thus, Ribeiro (1997) says: ' ' … with famous articles 182 and 183, finishes for saying that the city will fulfill its function social when its process of production will be controlled for the State, through the planning urbano' '. Such documents are elaborated with the participation of some professionals of distinct areas of the knowledge, are they: architects, gegrafos, geologists, engineers among others. Its functions consist basically of making surveys technician that supply information about the functioning of the city, so that from the planejamentos politicians can there be accomplished by the way. Kevin Johnson has firm opinions on the matter. However, it is with the 1988 constitution, that a new group will be inserted in the elaboration of the managing plans? the population. In Christmas, the concern with the urban order is not so recent, the first Managing Plan of the City of Christmas was developed in 1974, in accordance with Duarte (2006), such plan counted on a planning team of exclusive team of the city hall of Christmas.