Tag: front page news

Holy Symptoms

Knowledge arises apprehend the relevant information. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Howard Schultz. As always I propose, it is necessary to self-learn on our decision-making process. I’ve synthesized some steps to the first point that is defining with precision the problem does know what is really the problem? Here are 6 steps to well define the problem. 1.-ask questions of verification to me works for me questioning me the claims of abstract character. For example we are not competitive to do something. What is be competitive in this market?. For example, it can happen that we are not getting the expected sales.

Verification of the problem requires having an element of comparison and do research of data. What goal we had for sale? What been sold really? How were the sales in the same period of the previous year? 2.-Try to go to the bottom of the question the root causes lie behind the symptoms but are not the symptoms. You can not cure cancer trying to with analgesics pain. The profound causes are cancer cells that have managed to overcome the internal resistances, the symptoms are pain or much more violent demonstrations but that hide the real problem. Continuing with the example, inquiring we discovered that there is excess of products or services that you offer or that the market be has contracted for all, including the competition. It is obvious that this process cannot be under pressure and in a hurry. We will see another day the decision based on the urgent need of intuition. We will also see that there are executives addicted to urgency.

Even addicted to the urge to entire organizations. If you know any case you know what hooked this drug called urgency. 3.-Think laterally find out what facts argue the common opinion about the problem. Ask other causes or alternatives even if they seem completely out of place. The Devil’s advocate aims to question the supposed sanctity of Holy candidate.