Suspended Penalty

Then, any that is the consequence of our acts, is only to we ourselves credited: ' ' What it wants that happens, it is through me that it has of acontecer.' ' (Sartre, 1986, P. 214). It corroborates with this opinion in the stretch of the workmanship Suspended Penalty: ' ' The future of all the men: they had constructed it with its proper hands, slowly, during anos.' ' (Sartre, 1960, P. 35). This responsibility for the proper acts, so commented for Sartre in diverse workmanships, still is associated with the direction of the life, the explanation for the doubts regarding the convivncia: ' ' They are free: they had gained the war in its time and have good conscience. Of this defeat, that is not of them, accepted, although everything, the responsibility. (…) Reencontra, suddenly, what it loses: the direction of vida.' ' (Sartre, 1968, P.

417). The responsibility, although to elucidate the direction of the life, she is not acolhedora. In contrast, it transmits the oppression sensation: ' ' It felt oppressed me by the weight of responsabilidade.' ' (Sartre, 1968, P. 39). But also it demonstrates that the responsibility is atrelada our lives, also as society, and it cannot be abandoned: ' ' One hundred million free consciences, each one of them seeing walls, familiar tips of cigarettes, faces and constructing its proper destination on account of proper responsabilidade.' ' (Sartre, 1960, P. 234). In this way, many consciences desiring the same thing implies in the event of this thing, as a war, for example: ' ' Thus, all we it fazemos' ' (Sartre, 1960, P. 233), mentioning the responsibility to it of any war. Thus, the man wants the freedom, he wants but it of a concrete form. E, because of the commitment and of the discovery of the other, the man is obliged to want, not only its freedom, but also of the others.