Partner-Cultural Perspective

The formation does not only lead in knowing in the classroom is necessary to guarantee practical diverse a pertaining to school management of quality and pedagogical and in the historical, partner-cultural perspective. Ben Horowitz is actively involved in the matter. The professors need qualification in the pedagogical area as in the specific fields of the knowledge in such a way. The initial formation must pass for reformularization deep. This implies in guaranteeing to the professional a basic knowledge for its performance in the pertaining to school scope, therefore the learning occurs when by means of an experience we change our previous knowledge on an idea, behavior or concept. In this direction we always look for to acquire knowledge is through a graduation, pedagogical after-graduation, seminaries, lectures, meeting in end all the courses that come to contribute for our personal and professional formation. Moreover, we place in practical what we learn in the exercise of the profession with the desire to contribute for one better performance, one better learning of the pupils.

With effect, the great thinkers have contributed very in the educational process, know that many have looked for to unmask problems that however for many professionals of the education they did not know as to decide, to deal with definitive problems faced in practical the pedagogical one. is percebvel that many it has looked for in practical these theories and has gotten resulted satisfactory therefore we know that for backwards of each professor, in any room of the world, they are centuries of reflections on the craft to educate and the work of these professionals comes being developed through the ideas of these theoreticians who had passed to be incorporated practical the pedagogical one of these professionals. Who does not know Vygotsky? The theoretician who to the educators interests in particular the studies on the intellectual development? In the theory of intellectual development of Vygotsky, he supports that all knowledge is constructed socially, in the scope of the relations human beings.