Modern Age

Esseesquecimento, however, was not fortuitous or alienator, it has seen that afelicidade to exist also needs this resource. To close of when in when the doors and windows daconscincia, to remain insensitive to the noisy fights of the underground world dosnossos agencies; to make silence and flat board in our conscience, in order quea has place to pressentir (…): here it is here, I repeat, the craft of this faculdadeativa, this vigilant guard in charge keeping the psychic order, atranqilidade, the label (NIETZSCHE, 1991:57). In the Modern Age the memory earns impetus with commercial odesenvolvimento and the advance of the communications. At this foiregistrada time a bigger diffusion and intensification of the writing, however, oralidadeconcomitantemente to the writing also are perpassada with poor amplitude, principalmentepor peasants and communities, through popular stories bastanteutilizado at the time. Although the diverse occured cultural transformations aolongo of the centuries, the narrative peasants adaptavam the scene of its half relatosao its proper one.

However, they kept unbroken the main elements, using repetitions, you rhyme and other devices mnemonic. Destarte, it memriapreservou the historiogrfica tradition preventing, thus, deformations and distoresacerca of the history of the forgotten loosers or. In this direction it is that history sinnimo of memory in a relation of fusing between both. In the contemporaneidade, a first moment, the memory mantmum process of interdependence with history. With passing of time, essamemria goes to anchor itself in history.

Therefore it is that one says that, in century XIX, has a certain loss of the memory. This if of because history is assumen damemria collective transcribes and it. As the text in quarrel, of the turn dosculo XIX for the XX, the memory was emancipated of history and if it became substance daliteratura, of the philosophy, psychology and sociology. In such a way, oshistoriadores present a limited domain in the field of the memory and tmrealizado few works deepened relation to this thematic one.