Lichtwark Painting

On the other hand, the foldings of the fan, contained in the photo albums of Auggie, show in each one of the photos, turning pages page for page, equally a ritual to turn pages the pages of umlivro or a periodical, a multifaceted world of reading. It is read numatentativa to recoup its subtilities, selecting the directions. had been these empty streets that had caused the fidget of PaulBenjamin, for disclosing, perhaps, a world emptied for it, but when it sedeparou with the wife, the phenomenon was only. Of certain que' ' no work of art is contemplada' ' as ' ' the image fotogrficade we ourselves, of our next relatives, our beings amados' ' , Lichtwark observed. 11 With effect, the eyes is not pleased to see umapintura. The image would be the food ' ' agradvel' ' for the optic direction, &#039 would be with feeding this continuously; ' desejo' '. The ambivalence of ' ' to look at that a painting does not obtain to saciar itself when seeing, a photograph means, before, the same that the food for the hunger or the drink for sede' ' (BENJAMIN, 1993, p.139).

Already the painting, historically, different of the photograph, eramostrada to the public through intermediate. Therefore, while authentic workmanship dearte, as it is the painting, demands the contemplation and the concentration of umnico spectator, differently, the photograph does not preserve the authority comrelao ' ' to the reproduction manual' ' , and the masses had more passed each time to adesejar to get the control of its proper perception. At the time dareprodutibilidade does not have more ' ' place for belo' ' , confirming benjaminiano opensamento, that the photograph was the watershed, estopimpara ' ' decline of aura.' ' Perhaps, the value deculto, the same express could be suggested for the painting to the being glimpsed for a visoindividual. Read more here: mozes victor konig.