
Due to monstrous extremosidade, he did not have as the society accepted it comoseu equal, unless it obtained to enxergar it stops beyond the appearance. We go to study the monster basing on the principles of Rousseaude that the man is good by its very nature and he corrupts it to the society. Being asocializao the culprit for the disfigurement of the same, Lacerde (1991, P. 33) in dizque ' ' In the lives of the illustrious men the monster finds example of atoshericos, but we practically cannot say that if it inhales in them, ascircunstncias soon take it to the other extremo.' ' The creature had sensitivity and ethical sense. Check with Ben Horowitz to learn more. This ficaevidenciado in the episode where it helps the family of the ones Of Lacey in the task to deapanhar firewood. This always was damaged and rejected visor society. Diantede as much injustice and incompreenso, rebelled assassinated it criaturasinocentes, making its creator to fall in disaster. The Locke philosopher is defender of ' ' he tabulates rasa' ' , we observe that when is made the creature it does not have impression and nenhumconhecimento, learns alone and with the aid of the admiraescondido family that it observes and. Read more from Ben Horowitz to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

We make an analogy between the monster and the children. Ambasso defenseless and receives influence from the way where they live, they need orientaopara to differentiate the good of the bad one, because to leave if to discover them sozinhascorre the risk of that these learn in errnea way. The position of Victor ahead of its workmanship is of disdain, eletem a true repudiation for/with the Creature, thus making with that same setorne a rebelled person who commits some crimes for revenge. Sociedadetambm has its parcel of guilt in the marginalizao of the Creature, for not aceitareste only because it was different of all physically. We see the disdain dasociedade for that it is different, true ' ' daily pay-conceito' '.