Inflatable Boats

Many people lucubran about how they were initially created. Most believe that it was for naval purposes, and the general belief is that an old man was the first to cross an aquatic area with both legs on a floating log. Then Thor Heyerdahl broke these speculations by pointing out that the boats were made of branches of papyrus. Apparently, between more hypotheses exist, there are further beliefs to choose from, so let me share my personal hypothesis on the origins of the boat. The theory of the pig dead formulate this theory when I just went to a fishing expedition in the 1950s alongside the Potomac River near Great Falls. At that time, was a very inaccessible site as they used to be many places in those days.

I took with me my Rambler dog on this trip. While he was there, a large cylinder-shaped object caught my attention. He was trapped in a fairly fast current a mile from me. I saw four projections facing upwards, making the object appears a table with legs towards above. I went along with my friend Rambler in search of this object. When we come to him, we realized that it was from remains of a fairly large pig. The pigskin floated above the surface due to fumes that emanated from the dead meat, and dried product of the Sun was. It’s amazing how a pig body can function as a vessel improvised – perhaps even better than a part of a tree. If we consider the theory of branches of Papyrus, it is quite unlikely that an elderly man had the ability to tie the material to form a solid body even us today we would require a more advanced technology (and sometimes break so easily that they seem to facts in the stone age technology products). Now that we have discarded the theory of the floating tree, consider a dead pig (or any animal midsize) floating in the water.