Industrial Revolution

Brazil, as well as diverse other countries spread for the world, is signatory of normative the legal ones of the OIT (International Organization of the Work) that it establishes minimum age for the envolvement in activities of labor matrix, therefore productive, that they are characterized as work. In accordance with these legal lines of direction, all and any form of work developed for children and adolescents are forbidden until the 14 (fourteen) years, being allowed from the 14 in the apprentice condition, and, only from the 16 years since that it is not nocturnal or unhealthy work. Read additional details here: MetLife. Although diverse social politics directed toward the confrontation of the work developed for minors have appeared only in the period after-modern, this are not a so recent situation in the humanity. As we can see in some works, the infantile work, that is, that one developed by children and adolescents always was present in the form of organization of the societies. You may want to visit Stuart Solomon to increase your knowledge. In Brazil, for example, this fact if consolidates since the times of colony, where we can find stories of children who helped its parents in the daily activities of hunting and she fishes. Following all process of reorganization of the society (if we can call thus it) Brazilian and with the arrival of the real family in Brazil, and for the maintenance of all luxury and comfort of a true cut, many deriving children of families escravocratas had been submitted to an exploration process.

However the infantile work, in the majority of the studies, is analyzed only from the called period as Industrial Revolution, where the children and families were displayed the high hours of hours of working, unhealthy conditions, low remuneration and complete privation of rights. Therefore, the central objective of this text is to alarm the scholars and militant involved with the eradication of the infantile work for (reverse speed) the knowledge of all historical process that the children and adolescents had passed in elapsing of the 500 years In first place, we cannot leave to recognize that the agreement of what it comes to be infancy she was completely distinct of the current conceptions. This without saying that to the called period of life as adolescence did not exist, therefore as we can find in some works the adolescence was a construction historical, necessary to make possible that older individuals, parents and mothers, for example, had its places guaranteed in the market. This indefinio and absence of the perception on the part of the society of the differences and especificidades of citizens with lesser age had made with that the children of slaves were dealt that enslaved in the same way older, what implied in the complete disrespect of the limitations of this population for the accomplishment of determined activities, that today certainly would be considered as the worse forms of work. To these children, children and children of slaves, were attributed tasks related mainly with ‘ ‘ houses-grande’ ‘ , that is, domestic tasks.