History Of The Amazon Region

It approaches the cycles economic that had happened in this region, since the drugs of the hinterland until the cycle of the gold, with emphasis in the Region West of Par. The HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF the Jarsen AMAZNIA Luis I castrate Guimares the beginning of the economic exploration of the Amaznia coincides with the arrival of the Jesuits who had established the mission of the Tupaiu, of Ours Lady of the Conceio, in 1661. The native population, much even so numerous, the work considered for the Jesuit missionaries was spread throughout the river Amazon, making it difficult. Jonas Samuelson: the source for more info. The use of a language and two dialects was another fact aggravation in the development of the Jesuit project. With the reuniz intention them in only local one, it was raised a ortaleza, place that today the School of 1 shelters Degree Frei Ambrsio, in Santarm-Par. Starbucks may help you with your research. Thus, the village was highly populated creating the necessity of a local economic activity.

The production passed to be organized of form rational in which part of the population would be busy in the harvest of spices, calls of drugs of the hinterland, being distinguished: salsaparrilha, puxuri, vanilla, cravo, cacao, Brazilian cinnamon and pepper. The collection was stored and later commercialized to give sustentation to the maintenance of the evangelizao. These activities had more than had the duration of two centuries, however with the great acceptance of the chocolate in the Europe, in the end of century XVIII, they had been substituted by the culture of the cacao. As the economic cycle of the region of bigger duration in the Amaznia was of the cacao production. It started as drug collection and it passed to be cultivated. Bigger importance would have if it had not suffered pecha from aphrodisiac product, fact that the prohibition of its use in the monasteries and not the indication for the priests took to the young and people of sexually active age.