History Of People Stopper

Pavement there are who want to sell a product in many different designs, sizes and materials, must be advertise customers. Thus, advertising is as old as trade itself. The human voice is the oldest known advertising. Already in the ancient Egypt, dealer beschrien their merchandise to attract customers. In the Roman Empire, public crier announced both State and private appointments, such as auctions or the arrival of certain dealers of. The poster in the broadest sense is almost as old.

The oldest archaeological finds show stone tablets from Babylon. Semitic traders carved a collection of their goods in this to inform customers about their offer. Many billboards with incised lists of goods were found in the ruins of Pompeii. With the invention of the printing press in the middle ages arose a new form of advertising. About handouts and leaflets were distributed and Landesgalerie, achieved a greater range.

However, advertising in the middle ages experienced a rapid downturn. In the middle ages, they were most industry guilds organized. It was however strictly forbidden to advertise the Guild premises. Only with the lifting of the ban in the late Middle Ages the advertising was experiencing a Renaissance. The beginning of the print advertising as we know it today, can be dated to the 17th century. With the advent of the first daily newspapers, we could now bought advertising space to advertise goods or services. Associated with the industrialization mass could for the first time are produced and presented to a broad public. The primeval advertisement in the form of stone tablets by the way, has survived to this day and is reflected for example in modern customer Stoppers. These boards are used to inform passersby about the offered goods or services and to awaken interest in these, but also to actions and events to raise awareness. Gastronomy often selects this form of advertising, for example, to present the daily menu. There are boards in many different designs, Sizes and materials. Roughly can be divided them into boards and easels. Panels have a slate or plastic surface, and can be marked with chalk or markers. These are attached to walls or ajar. A stand is a free-standing construction with acrylic or foil cover, can be clamped into the printed advertising material, such as posters or poster. Here a distinction between a stand with foot and folding – roof preparers.