Hafner On CRM CRM Published Trends 2012

As in the last few years has the customer competencies Institute to Prof. Click Howard Schultz & Associates to learn more. Dr. Nils Hafner in a research exercise and long discussions many partners the top 5 CRM trends 2012 evaluated. Describe these are in the following weeks on the CRM Blog Hafner on CRM”piece by piece. In addition, the staff of the Institute will derive consequences for the professional customer management in the future.

Collecting customer information is understood more and more as a give and take touch point management is also used in the BtoB CRM increasingly important critical focusing on the tasks of individual employees at the customer integrated strategies of profitable experience gaining importance is payments and loyalty management will be mobile. By corporate customers Gamification and earning points are the partner incentive 2.0 CRM are trends for the year 2012: 1 collecting customer information is always more than a give and take understood the new social media have changed the process of communication between customers and companies. Customers are no longer passive recipients of advertising messages, which sends out the company, but to communicate via the Internet with the businesses. While they are more and more aware of the value of their data. They are more cautious when it comes to communicate private information. However, can we collect systematically data from the manifest to the most personal level, if we accept that the customer needs a quid pro quo for its valuable information. Leading companies put together currently fact-based data sets that have collected at the preferred by the customer touch points (points of contact).

So they can lead an individual to serious communication with the individual even if they don’t know everything about their opposite. 2. touch point management is environment assume also in B2b CRM increasingly important crucial focusing on the tasks of individual employees with the customers while we in the BtoC principle that customer needs are the starting point of all customer decisions, one reluctant in the BtoB frequently, however.