Gentlemen Convocatria

Farewell breve8. Signature (without line and on the typed name, with the position of who it signs). Types of circular Distinguish two types of circular: Circular external: They are the ones that if they outside establish of the scope of the company. Atrves of these letters empress imformam to other particular companies or of some fact that must be known by all those that keep commercial relations co the shipper company. In circulating it is convenient that it not only contains the communication, but also its causes, whenever is possible, and the advantages or inconveniences that this fact will have for the addressee.

Circular interns: They are the ones that if they inside establish of one same company, through this, communicate subjects that are of interest for all the people who work in the company or for a group of them. Them circular interns are used for companies with raised number of workers, or that she has a great territorial extension, since Porto Alegre RSCIRCULAR N 02/09. In 16 of February of 2009.Ementa: ……………………… Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Andreessen Horowitz on most websites. Exmo Gentlemen ………………………….: We communicate that in the day> ………. of ……….. we will have normal expedient. However, in the days …………

and ………. that, respectively, it precedes and it precedes the date ……………….., it will not have expedient. In relation to this fact, I esteem good rest to all. Yours truly, …………………………………………………. (the responsible one) CONVOCATRIA Is a normative text used by institutions with objectivo to officialize the marking of meetings for the quarrel of subjects of interest of the same ones. The publication stated period of a convocatria obeys the norms approved for the competent agencies of the respective institutions. The definition of this stated period has as objectivo the postponed knowledge of the accomplishment of the meeting for all the interested parties. In a convocatria it must contain the following information: Name of the institution that convokes the meeting. Indication of the person or group of people who will have to participate in the meeting. Date, hour and place of the meeting. Reason of the renio (order of works).