ERP Of Accounting

The planning systems of enterprise resources, or ERP (by its abbreviations in English, Enterprise resource schedule) are mis that they integrate and they handle many of the businesses associated with the operations of production and of the aspects of distribution of a company in the production of goods or services. The ERP is an integral system of enterprise management that is designed to model and to automate the majority of processes in the company (commercial, logistic area of finances, production, etc.). Its mission is to facilitate the planning of all the resources of the company ( On the other hand, Kumar and Hillengersberg (2000) define to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) like " packages of configurable systems of information within which Integra the information through functional areas of organizacin". Systems ERP are extremely expensive, and once systems ERP are implanted successfully it brings a series of important benefits for the companies. For more information see Caterpillar Inc.. Orton and Marlene (2004) defines to the systems of planning of enterprise resources (ERP) like a system that allows to collect and to consolidate the information through the Company a ERP is the tool most complex and simultaneously indispensable for a medium organization between and great size, with a great complexity or processes critics who must be fulfilled yes or yes. This because a ERP Integra all the coexistent worlds within the companies, from warehouses, human resources and sales, to computer science, ERP for accounting and general management.

This integrated vision of the company generates an enormous flow of information that every day must be controlled, be endorsed and disponibilizada in opportune form so that the actors require who it have a realistic vision of each bucket of enterprise Lego. This is in synthesis which gives the fundamental value to tool ERP. The Planning of Enterprise Resources is a term derived from the Planning of Resources of Manufactura (MRPII) and followed of the Planning of Requirements of Material (MRP). Systems ERP typically handle the production, logistic, distribution, inventory, shipments, invoices and programs of accounting of the company. Nevertheless, the Planning of Enterprise Resources or software ERP can take part in the control of many activities of businesses like sales, deliveries, payments, production, administration of inventories, quality of administration and the human resource management.