Cultural History

The third moment of cultural history is seen as that one where the discovery of the people occurs, as well as the artistic and cultural production that this carried through. Certainly that the popular culture already was studied since century XVIII, however this subject was destined more to the anthropologists and folcloristas of what properly to the historians. To only break 1960 that these historians if interest for this field of research. Burke affirms that the most influential study carried through at this moment he was ‘ ‘ The Formation of the laboring classroom inglesa’ ‘ , where Edward Thompson not only analyzes the economic changes and occured politics in the diligent and wage-earning classroom, as well as the place of the popular culture in this process, portraying ritual of initiation of craftsmen, questions on feeding, religion, feelings, at last the culture of the people. Thompson will influence many works produced during period, of Germany until India, that characterizes for the concern to produce a knowledge that involves the common people and that if it does not restrict to the economic questions and politics, but englobe diverse social segments.

The quarrel on these cultural subjects in Germany and England, will go to converge with the interest of the French historians of the School of the Annales, what Cultural History will result in the New call. Burke still adds that ‘ is difficult to answer the question; ‘ What it is Cultural’ History; ‘ , therefore it is to multidiscipline and also to interdisciplinar, uses itself mainly of the anthropology and sociology, as well as of the history of the literary art and for the accomplishment of the research, for the elaboration of the historical knowledge. Being thus, even so if she does not wait that the cultural historians are seen as heroes to decide the daily problems contemporaries, affirms that the study of cultural history she must allow the people to think with more lucidity about relation to problems and questionings of the life, and still cite Gilbert Freyre: ‘ ‘ the study of social and cultural history it approaches the people, it opens ways of understanding and communication between elas’ ‘. The study of the cultures it abandons generalizantes and superficial the subjects, to more good concentrate in questions of particular groups at specific moments, what it makes possible the researcher, that is, to the historian, one understanding and interpretation of the relations that involve these individuals, thus allowing the knowledge of what it is the essence of the life for these communities.