Loans for the self-classified in both the professional as well as in the popular press often difficult to obtain. But not always, it must be equally problematic when working people need to independently apply for a loan. This is an aspect we would like some more detail in our article highlight for you. But first, the conceptual delimitation of the term “independence”. This is in the Social Code ( 7 paragraph 1 be read the fourth book of the SGB) – more precisely, it concerns the distinction between self-employment from dependent employment – and thus all the important criteria are included. So who is really “independent” in a professional sense First and foremost, anyone who performs a work as self-reported and not under the terminology “false self” falls. Characteristics of self-employment are, therefore, for example a) the choice of the contractor as to when the number of inputs,Vehicles and / or be acquired means of production and how their funding is regulated. b) the choice of the contractor Zahlweisen customer c) the discretion of the contractor’s cost estimate in terms of prices d) the discretion of the contractor on the use of assistants who needs information about the other bases of self-employment, find these in business reference books or an appropriate Internet search. What now makes freelancers and self-creditworthy so little Our question is perhaps somewhat provocatively formulated, but it probably goes to the heart of many credit refusals in the area of independent contractor. Many lending companies have even really focused on loans to individuals and their specifics. Among the reasons often heard here is certainly the prevailing economic uncertainty, when there is no solid, predictable yet longer lasting employment relationship. Lenders may- Not seen leaving a flat rate – the same rate as in fact well Verdiend, permanent employees that that the loan will be repaid as agreed. But there are also good alternatives – and there are certainly financial service providers that you appreciate and thus your good payment behavior and their reliability. Therefore, it offers itself first, in case of a loan where you want to ask where you know you have long been, and where a long-term business relationship – such as a bank – is present. Can you rely on any such possibility, has the “click on the Internet.” Potential lenders who have been placed in terms of loans for self employed, where full information about their offers and you can certainly provide a suitable loan option!