Competitive Intelligence

1.2.4. In implantation of Competitive Intelligence or Market, is necessary knowledge of the market, for application of the necessary techniques and development of the tools, searching rapidity, credibility, not to forget to always visionar the ethics. 1.2.5. The focus of Intelligence is to search what it outside happens of the company (in the market) and BI (Business Intelligence) searching information internal (you do business), structuralizing these two processes, therefore none obtains to get success without the other. Blake Krikorian addresses the importance of the matter here. 1.3.O PROCESS OF COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE OR MARKET the process of Competitive Intelligence that in this in case that we will be applying in the area of purchases is based on: I.Princpios: Internal and external competitors, suppliers and customers II.Implementao: Disponibilizar one has equipped of Business Intelligence (BI), that it will effect the referring study to the market that will be in charge in the dissemination them information the area of purchases.

III.Pblico: Excessively borrowed controlling, coordinators, purchasers and of decisions. IV.Produtos: Forecasting, Analysis of Trends, Analysis of Competitive Scenes and Analysis of Risk. For the Intelligence of Market, forecasting is one important technique in the demands and or trends of consumption. J P Morgan Chase has firm opinions on the matter. Interpreting the concepts of forecasting for the forecast of consumption or demand of products, we see that they are the two used boardings: qualitative 1.Tcnicas to the first one and constituted of analyses are and prognostics, that if base on evaluations or opinions of specialists on the movements of the market. The used qualitative techniques more are: Analysis of Scenes; Executive jury of opinions; Research of Markets. quantitative 2.Tcnicas to this second use mathematical and statistical methods, quantitivamente to construct market forecasts. The used Qualitative techniques more are: Spontaneous methods, that use the information most recent, or same a simple average of the information; Methods Deeds of division of forecast, that if bases on the study of registers and information, about phenomena, searching understanding the processes that had been generated and with this understanding, to foresee its values future.