Include a loan is sometimes inevitable. Whether it’s here to buy a car, the financing of home furnishings or the payment is on vacation often is just not enough cash available. Loans are now issued by all banks and savings banks, but also from online banks and specialized banks. These have the advantage of not having a branch network and therefore employ only a few employees need to. You give this advantage to its customers in the form of lower interest rates and low processing charges. To see whether a credit is favorable to credit seekers should not necessarily rely on the nominal interest rate. Numerous charges can still make the loan very expensive. A better comparison variable in this context is the APR, because this includes both the nominal as well as processing fees and any fees charged for credit insurance, it should be mandatory. With Internet banking, one finds installment loans, consumer loans also referred to as early as one effectiveAnnual rate of 3.9% per annum, with branch banks have to pay at least 7.95% per annum for this purpose. Who is looking for a cheap loan, sees himself against a range of providers. All credit offers separately to obtain, it would take a very long time. Better comparisons are here credit the Internet that can be used free of charge. Simply enter a favorable loan. Here, the customer gives his credit request and receive the lowest bidder.