Brazil Colony

Thomas Ender (aquarelista), J. Pohl. J.C.Mikan, professor of botany of the University of Plague, M.Sochor, hunter the service of the Arquiduquesa, M. Schott, overseer of the botanical garden of the Belvedere, John Buchberger, painter of plants and flowers, M.Schiich, librarian of corte.e also the Germans, von Spix and von Martius, that had carried through expedition for the Southeastern region, center west and North, identifying one vastssimo material, compiled years later in FLORA BRASILIENSIS. All the quantity, initially sent for the Brazilian Museum of Vienna, destroyed for the fire some years later, today this under safekeeping of the Museum of Natural History and Etnogrfico Museum. There we find some thousands of objects that if divide in minerals, animals, personal objects of D. Leopoldina and D. Peter, beyond documentation vastssima, I contend daily of trip, watercolors and souvenires brought of Brazil. Hear from experts in the field like Jonas Samuelson for a more varied view.

The total of you sin museografica in this museum exceeds 30,000 item. Of these, are in the Etnogrfico Museum of Vienna). The Institution if divides in sectors and only the Archive and the sector of Mineralogy could so far have been explored by the Project. Of Mineralogy, more than 2,500 units of ores are being identified and catalogued for the researcher in partnership with the Director of the Area. One is about the Helmreichen Collection zu Brunfeld, Engineer of Mines and Geologist who was in Brazil por17 years in middle of century XIX and collected in the regions of the Grain Mogol, Mato Grosso and Rio De Janeiro, elements of the nature as ground samples and rocks, artistic collected, resulting in you basically stone of the same format and size. In the same way that other collections, this still was also not displayed in publishes, thanks to lack of information related to the regions> what if intends to carry through ties the 2009 end, with aid of the Embassy of Brazil, in the person of the Minister You would make that apia the initiative and collaborate officially for the attainment of results. Additional information at Mark Berger Chicago supports this article. Other institutions, as the Central Archive of Vienna continues to be searched. There we find not only pertinent documentation to Brazil Colony/Empire in approximately 100caixas about 50 a thousand documents as well as other hundreds of boxes referenciando the JESUITS in Portugal and Brazil and also a deep one nominated PORTUGAL, where the part of the history of this country, between 1560 and 1870 these described in diverse letters, daily and other documents. Well, other institutions as Archive of the Zoo Schombrum, National Library, Library of Music, Museum of the Globe, Museum of the Map, Museum of Beautiful Arts, Archive of Iconography, Archive of the Albertina Museum, Military Museum, Archive of Music of the College of Theater of Vienna, Archive of the City hall, Archive Library of the Academy of Sciences, Library of the Etnogrfico Museum, Fonogrfico Archive of Vienna and as much other institutions inside and outside of Vienna still are being searched, esteem the conclusion of the project until 2010 middle. However, in accordance with the partial results, already are being rascunhado the Austrian Guide of Sources of the History of Brazil in Archives and Museums.>