Amaral Maria

It deals with the theater of inanimate, umteatro where the focus of attention is directed for an object and actor does not stop the servivo/, that is, inanimate it is everything what he coexists the man, but destitudo of rational movement. When receiving the energy from the actor, through demovimentos, creates in the substance the life illusion, and, pparently, it acquired proper will transfers itself to abide the impression to have, reasoning. The alive being has a deequilbrio and pensante center, where it makes with that it can transfer life one objetosimulando to think, to feel, to want, to deduce, to represent. Ana Amaral Maria says: The theater of not express animation through the body of the actor, much little porpalavras, but, yes, through forms, images, metaphors and symbols. Algoinvisvel penetrates visible and if the manifest one. It is the language of the form and domovimento. Of the form of the substance, natural or elaborated. of the emotional movimentointencional and, given for the actor.

(AMARAL, 1996, p.18) In the animation theater to podemosencontrar masks, dolls and objects. Each one separate one characterizes a gneroteatral, but when mixed, they acquire proper characteristics and constituemo theater of livened up forms. This form is the materialization of an idea. Essasformas can be dolls and masks, as well as can be natural objects eou inside constructed for the man and with functions of the always on animation aomovimento. The movement is the base for the animation, therefore she is necessary to have the illusion deao executed during the teatral act. In the generality, the theater of formasanimadas is a junction of the theater of dolls, masks and objects.