Moderator, not noticing the form on the site (it searches hundreds of sites a day, it is possible to understand) rejected my company as an obvious and blatant advertising network project, which does not comply with the Law on Advertising Federation. Conclusion – compose your ad, so that would be most clear what you want from a visitor to the resource – in fact, for his touch and you are paying with his own pocket. 3.You promise too much and without any reason my example: 'Getawayclub – your chance to get rich quickly. Do not waste time "Comment: Well, who can give you guarantee that it is you – be sure and get rich quickly in Getawayclube? This is not to buy a mobile phone and enjoy. In any business requires, first, a lot to learn, work and spend their time is absolutely, without any guarantees for the final result. And Getawayclub is no exception.
4. in ad leads to a page with a popup or banner ads I have to say – here you can not try to fool someone and not vtyuhivat advertising. Many visitors to the irritating presence of a pop-up form, or ad banner – for a visitor wants to see the information that is specified in your ad. Therefore, it put a link to a separate page with this information, without pop-ups or intrusive advertising. Thus, conclusions. In drawing up advertisements for his company's Yandex Direct remember a few simple rules: The one key word is at least one advertisement; Check your speech, ad for errors and give your property a sensible view – do not force the visitor to strain their brains to think – and what did he see there?; Do not select your ad to screaming headlines and unrealistic achievements at a time. Everything is real, but only moderately, and under certain conditions. Spend your visitor actually on that page, which leads to the desired information, rather than what it is you are deeply disappointed, and you lose a potential customer. These tips may be rules of etiquette, not only for Yandex Direct, but also for other contextual advertising. Fortunately, thence, moderators are still very liberal? Hopefully, the materials of my article really help you get your first and successful company in the content Yandex Direct. Reprints and free rasprostraninenie this article are welcome, but only with indicating the source.