Zilberman Reading

Literature infantile comes to meeting with this descontrao where professor can to use its creativity and thus to dribble equality of lessons solely expositivas and to leave also position traditional, when we desire that our pupil acquires knowledge, we have that to search alternatives, with diversified materials and of quality always. To exactly value the infantile literature that for its proper instigante nature not-doctrinaire, despertando in the reader the transformation of itself and the world. To learn to read is not alone one of the biggest experiences of the pertaining to school life, but a trip for the world of the imagination and the construction of knowing, where the letters despertam in the child an ample and reflexiva vision of the desire to perceive the importance of if communicating. Thus infantile literature comes to the meeting of the discoveries and yearnings of the children favoring its process of alfabetizao, therefore the children who coexist in surrounding scholars develop a playful interest in relation to the reading and the writing. PLAYFUL: ONE OF BEST ATTRACTIVE FOR LITERATURE the my objective with infantile literature to awake in the reader the taste for the reading of significant form and with quality, being given it chance to have access to the world of the writing, being read imagining and creating other half ones to carry through its reading until arriving at a reading fluente, involving and thus also successively to acquire knowledge that will serve for the all its life. According to Zilberman (1998, p.65): The contact with infantile literature if makes initially through its sonorous angle: the child eventually hears histories told for adults being able to follow them with the eyes in the illustration.