Young Social Networking

The revolution that has resulted in the emergence of the phenomenon of social networking has brought with it, besides unquestionable advantages, not a few problems in relation to different areas, but primarily focused on the right to honour, to self-image, the intimacy and privacy of personal data. And these are accentuated with special virulence in most vulnerable sectors, such as youth and even children, who are also those making more intensive use of these new tools, which constitute the group most exposed to suffer their potential harmful effects. Stories, adventures and misadventures of youth not long ago remained in the memory of its protagonists, of parents suffered in certain cases, and in one or another duly trimmed daily. Today the situation has changed, and young people share their experiences on the network, comment them, illustrate them with photos, videos, still these contents perfectly seasoned by all a sort of personal data, which in addition are replicated in other networks, other forums, are sent to many recipients, etc. Despite the restrictions of access to profiles, very often the loss of control over data and information, becoming in many cases virtually impossible to recover them, with the negative consequences that this can lead to their owners. The companies, taking advantage of this phenomenon, are using social networks to move closer to the profile of their candidates, know them more deeply, knowing their hobbies, hobbies, friends, your character, personality, etc.

Many young people who venture into the world of work now, and who have shared much of his life in the network, are exposed to get the companies know all information shared by them and disclosed by Internet, and this may cause an important remora in your choice of labour insertion. Therefore, it is vital, firstly, awareness and education. In schools, colleges and institutes should inform and raise awareness among youngsters of the importance of ensuring by its privacy, be careful with the information uploaded to the network, that they share with their friends, even stored in mobile devices, to prevent their possible consequences. And if education forms the first pillar on which sustained solution to this phenomenon, another important aspect is the policy, and the need to impose restrictions on the providers of services, especially the important social networks, so that the user has clear information of the treatment that is made of the data provided, the assignees of the same, use related to commercial or promotional aspects, etc. Also provide for simple and perfectly visible mechanisms for removal of content, modification of the conditions of privacy, or the low profiles of users. The European Union is already working on it, and is developing a legislative proposal on the right to oblivion on social networks, which we hope will soon see the light. In Spain, meanwhile, today there are instruments to safeguard the rights capable of being violated in these areas, primarily through organic law 15/1999, of protection of personal data (LOPD) and law 34/2002 of services of the society of information (LSSI), which however seem us insufficient for the dimension and scope of the problem, which can only be tackled when there is a real social conscience of the sameto be paired with clear and effective policy instruments. Audea security of the information S.L.