The Rhetoric

Appointment of Quessada. The publicity takes control of the public space, and beyond the mediatic space to flood streets, vehicles and t-shirts, in which the publicity (the part) is taken by the society (the whole). And it celebrates the consumption like place cohexin. One is fulfilled since: The globalisation process does not have as an aim to promote a greater igualitarismo, Lasch (1983) this neoindividualism does not represent a fortification of I but a strategy of survival before the economic and political social crises. The individuals invest their efforts in themselves. The beauty, youth, the happiness, the personal success, every time more is vindicated like a good. An enormous range of new products and services every time happens to be supplied by the publicity a public more segmented, by means of which the consumer creates to live in a free society, plural and democratic. The education that we received through the image is of emotional, intuitive and rash character, with serious consequences for the development of a critical citizenship.

H. Echo. In the surroundings that we analyzed a film the visual language leaves little space to the critic. The process between modernity and postmodernity The principles of the rhetoric of the electronic border: the solitude, the individualism, the necessity of inventiveness and until the suggestion of a mission sense. Against the nihilismo and it suspects the reason illustrated, absence of totalizantes truths, fascination before the images of consumptions are the result of the destruction of another model of individual and social cohesion, as they are the rates of the cycle of the life and the necessity of a social and geographic place. The days and the nights have disappeared in this globalisation, in the codification. The oldness has stopped being a source of authority to become a sign of labor incapacity.