The Infantile One

Therefore the infantile drawing is taken in account as the unconscious materialization of the infantile one, therefore, has serious strikes on the drawing terminology as form of if collecting representations social, as mental or cognitivo map. According to Luquet (1935) apud Almeida (2004), the child draws to have fun itself, beyond being a communication form, and is the five main phases in the development of the drawing: ) the fortuitous realism that goes of one year and six months to the two years of age, where the child basically makes scribbles; b) failed realism, that occurs to the two years, being the reproductive mere child of its half one, without obtaining to direct and limiting its graphical movements; c) symbolic realism, where the child has of three four years and it initiates the relationship of a drawing with another one it details and it; d) intellectual realism, where it possesss of four has 12 years and express almost also what it feels, and not more only what it sees; e) visual realism, for return of the 12 years, when it starts to give perspective to its drawings. Another important source is Teoria Cognitiva de Piaget (STOLEN, BOCK and TEIXEIRA, 1999), that it adopts four periods in the process of development of the species human being, that are characterized ' ' for what the individual obtains to make melhor' ' in elapsing of the diverse etrias bands. The four periods of training of development are: ) the sensriomotor one (zero the two years); b) daily pay-operatrio (the two seven years); c) concrete operations (the seven 11 or 12 years), and d) formal operations (11 or 12 years in ahead). The current emblematic workmanships on use of drawings to identify related social representations to the conservation of the environment in Brazil are: ) Reigada and Tozoni-King (2004); b) Martinho and Talamoni (2007); c) Schwarz, Sevegnani and Andres, (2007).