Tag: pharmacies

Dynamic Management

As he explains Carlos Garci’a-Maurio, President of Asefarma, is very important that the mentality is the one to consider like an east opportunity historical moment at which it is possible to buy pharmacies in superb conditions. The delays that are following one another in some CC.AA are conjunctural and thus it is necessary to take them . Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ben Horowitz. A valuation and an advice: More Dynamic management is needed for the Pharmacies Belinda Jimnez, Person in charge of Dynamic Management of Pharmacies of Asefarma, explains that, if something has demonstrated this 2011 to the pharmacies is that the sector needs an advance, a evolution. How example? The tendency as far as the management and the grouping of purchases: if in countries as France 60 or 70% of the pharmacies are member of groups of purchases, in Spain as soon as we reached 10%. The vision of the pharmacy model that is had in Europe for anything is comparable to that we want to maintain in our country. And everything must begin with a change in the mentality, a change in the management of the pharmacy office . An opinion that also is shared by Carlos Garci’a-Maurio, President of Asefarma, that considers that in spite of the bad lived moments, in spite of the uncertainty who lives itself generally by the economic situation, the delays in the payments in some autonomies and to the conjuncture, the phamacist continues being an agile, dynamic sector, abierto to improvements that, with total security, a change and a window will affect towards the evolution. The answer is in happening of a passive management to an active management of the offices of pharmacies.

But mainly, moments as the present one will serve to prioritize the pharmacies with more free sale and to which they have been convinced that now, more than ever, a change is necessary . What is ASEFARMA: It is the Consultant’s office of Dynamic Management of the Pharmacy of reference and whose services occur more than 300 pharmacies in all the Spanish geography. Its main assets are the human capital, and have 43 professionals of the maximum level, specialized in the pharmaceutical sector, economists, lawyers and phamacists to its service. It publishes a bulletin quarterly that receives more than 10,000 pharmacies in all Spain and is leader in the market of the transactions of pharmacies, contributing in that area a clear added value with respect to his competition.