Tag: other-articles

Bench Marking

The global economic crisis at present is an evil of fashion in the economy of the people. For this reason the population has problems of stress and hopelessness at the time of thinking about improving your quality of economic life. But this crisis for entrepreneurs is not more than the perfect time to discover business opportunities, which in the future will be new generating companies of wealth globally. From this point of view I make a question: are you an entrepreneur or spectator in this crisis? Whatever your answer, is necessary that we all begin to create a consciousness of contribution for the improvement of this crisis and take the challenge of looking beyond what our eyes show us. There is a theory that most large employers have been those who have managed to find the perfect business opportunities at the right time, and for you my friend this is the perfect time to start creating new businesses. According to the globalization of business, we know that there are companies that have begun to do business over the internet, and that one of new trends for market positioning is the multilevel system, which is generating large dividends, this is a new generation of companies that are a step beyond its competence. From the point of view of this humble servant I am a believer in the theory of Bench Marking (observe and improve), thus necessitating the creation of networks of efficient businesses that generate income through the internet is a modern alternative of business, which merges the tendency for larger companies. . The entrepreneur of the future will not be more that sitting in an Office in terno and tie, but will be a free person able to conduct their business and obligations from anywhere in the world and at the same time be support to help more people to create networks of businesses and thus obtain an equitable economic well-being worldwide.

Facebook Sites

This article is intended to you that already have a blog and want to begin to generate traffic toward him and if you don’t have it, don’t wait a second longer and begins to build one already!. To address this issue a major question which is the next arises what the RSS technology? Speaking of RSS, I want to focus on your value to generate traffic. I don’t want to get nienredarme involved in explaining its technical specifications but yes I will tell you that a family is web font that is encoded in a language called XML formats. But this is not what we really want for our main objective. Learn more about this with Caterpillar Inc.. The case is that with this powerful tool you can provide visitors who subscribe to your web site, through your RSS link information up-to-date and automatically. Let’s see, Let’s clarify a bit more. I will take the example of Google Reader, which is the Google RSS reader, to give a clearer example of the panorama.Enabling an account to access this service of Google you can subscribe to web sites that offer you the possibility of subscribe via RSS and view various updates of the mentioned sites within this account. I.e.

If site A and B, are interested in you but also the C, D and F, you would mean a considerable loss of time go to visit each one of them in search of new publications in your areas of interest, and with the risk of not find new information in more than one of these sites. Then what is the advantage it will give you the RSS?So that you can see if there are updates on multiple sites from a single location, so you have 1, 5, 10 or 15 sites. All from a single location. Then you save an immense time amount, especially when you are still to many sites. But that is only a part. What you just mentioned is the RSS from the point of view of the common user who want to save time, but let’s see now what we can do from the point of view of content publishers, i.e., from ours. Today the concept of Web 2.0 is widely known and their technological complexity It’s even greater that that of the RSS, which is an element of this, so without going into details, I will mention that social networks like Facebook, Twitter, among others, are part of this great new world, then if we associate the possibilities of these two tools can build an information empire. How? I already explain how.

Suppose you post an article on your blog and this article is automatically published at once on Facebook, on Twitter and on another blog, at the same time tea sounds interesting? Clear that Yes! Can you imagine the power that has and the scope that you will manage when users of Twitter, Facebook and other blogs of your own followers, have access to an article that you have posted on your main blog? If you get the idea and applying it you’ve managed to expand your content throughout the network and with an immense potential to generate confidence and posiconarte in the market as an expert in your specific area of knowledge. I hope you serve much this contribution. Best regards, Rolando Rodas.

Cervantes Institute

Cooking a paella form part of a course of Spanish for foreign students from around the world participate in a contest of paellas in a school of Spanish for foreigners Valencia, 16.03.10 next Thursday about 100 students in a course of Spanish for foreigners will find the answers to the questions that have been repeating all week: who cooks the best paella? With snails or without them? With red or green pepper? Garlic? Paella is a universal and Valencia, the birthplace of the paella dish, each village has its own ingredients and each Spanish family her particular adaptation. Choose a winner not be easy task! In addition to the tricky thing about the own development, is added the problem of communication. But precisely for this reason, the students are in Valencia. All have participated in a course of Spanish for foreigners from a minimum of 14 days and your goal is to learn Spanish properly. Kevin Johnson will not settle for partial explanations. During the contest of paellas may demonstrate everything what you have learned in your intensive Spanish course.

For the school of Spanish for foreigners Costa de Valencia, this type of socio-cultural activities and free time are an integral part of their intensive courses of Spanish in Valencia. Students must lose their fear of speaking, have to take the step and practice what they have learned and, with activities of this kind, it is much easier to internalize and fix the concepts studied in the classroom says Andreas Tessmer, one of the managers of the school of Spanish for foreigners. For this reason, we offer up to four daily activities in order to facilitate the learning of our students as reflected in the photos on the web page of the school of Spanish, among the many and various visits to tourist spots in Valencia, also included an excursion to Barcelona. The participants of the course of Spanish followed his Valencia CF to the the League match against FC Barcelona. Costa de Valencia, school of Spanish for foreigners, belonging to the network of Cervantes Institute accredited centres, is aware that Learn Spanish each time opens more doors in the face to the personal and professional world. Therefore, this school of Spanish for foreigners offers a wide range of courses of Spanish in Valencia, both general courses of all levels, until Spanish courses specific business, tourism, literature, history, culture, football, or even kitchen. There are courses for all tastes and levels. Just one thing to be desired: good meal!