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PricewaterhouseCoopers Mexico

A fundamental principle in the companies is the rationalization of the resources, nowadays no company can be given the luxury to waste the money much less and when it faces a conjuncture like the present one. The companies that react more express are those than more opportunities must to come out ahead and to last. When we lived times on abundance, the rationalization of resources and the identifications of optimization points are not the priority. On the contrary, when we in time faced of skinny cows, the optimization of the resources practically becomes an obligation and a factor of subsistence. Soon the question to place is where to realise reductions without hitting the results of the company? A good serious decision to eliminate the excesses, but as to know what is the optimal level of the resources? In order to respond this question we would need to anticipate itself to the future, soon it is logical to think that about this point component as the prognosis and the planning of the demand acquire major importance. We differentiate then what is prognosis and the planning of the demand. According to Guillermo Utrilla Sandoval, Senior Manager in charge of the Practice of Supply Chain in PricewaterhouseCoopers Mexico.

While the prognosis is the result of an estimation whose origin will be frequently a mathematical projection with some adjustments, a demand plan is the turn out to add to the result of the prognosis adjustments derived from the originating intelligence of market of different areas and actors (usually of the commercial area), in other words the planning of the demand makes sure that it includes in the prognosis the knowledge available about the tendency and events that can hit the past and the future of the demand.

Then at times of crisis that advantages offers the fact to implement a process of I foretell and planning of the demand in the company? A right prognosis and a suitable planning of the demand allow the companies to control the total costs in the chain of provision by means of the rationalization of the amounts to buy and to produce, also contributes a to realise one better planning of the distribution to manage the greater efficiency of the inventory being helped to elevate the level on watch. If these benefits are evident at times than at times of would call Fat Cows Skinny Cows happen to be a desire to a necessity of vital character. Nevertheless it considers that the prognosis by itself is not the key of the success then don’t mention it serves to have I foretell but exact if this it is not communicated opportunely to the operative areas for the decision making on as they are going to use the resources whereupon count. Soon the speed with that the prognoses and the process of communication are generated in the company will be film stars in the profit of the established objectives.

One of the main recommendations that do the experts in subjects of optimization at times of crisis is the rationalization of the product portfolio and services. Without having a good information of the demand of products and reliable projections, it is difficult to be able to make a decision on the matter. For that reason it receives much importance establishing a process of Planning of the Demand seriously structured that allows to optimize the investment in resources in agreement with the projections of the demand of the markets objective.