Tag: kids

The Reason

purposes on weekends and from 5: 01 p.m. (time that comes out of his regular work) until wee hours of the morning. Having said all this, I have to clarify that I have nothing against camaronear (I same have camaroneado enough in the past), but I don’t think he is honest with the customer to sell a service as a company when the reality is different, as healthy is to be clear and honest about our methodology. B. WE HAVE BEFORE US A CASE SERIOUS LABOR EXPLOITATION. If companies in web design in question are in fact companies, then the wages of employees who work there may not be adequate, (what seems to me an injustice towards them). This can directly affect the quality of the work they are doing, since a bad contributor paid usually does not work 100% of their potential. This is precisely the reason why many web design companies have dissolved in the past, lack of labor by problems of wages and you as customer will not want to keep your web project in the middle of a process of dissolution of one of these companies (I’ve even seen cases where projects are left adrift and without any explanation by the company).

C. YOUR PROJECT HAS BEEN TAKEN BY A STUDENT, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF EDUCATION SELF-TAUGHT AMATEUR OR SIMILAR. This actually has to do with A point and refers to the possibility that your project will be made by a (University) student, apprentice or similar that you are using your project to learn or practice acquired knowledge of web design. I should point out, there is nothing wrong if the project allows it and the client is willing that it is not a company that is hiring. Finally, always remember that: the cheap is usually expensive. 2. Do not have portfolio of projects projects portfolio is the best proof that a customer may have to judge the quality of work of a web design company.

Financial Education

Every parent wants their children to succeed in your life. They make enormous efforts and sacrifices for them to get ahead in life. However, there is a critical area in the education of children and youth that is often overlooked: financial education. We are so focused on teaching how to make money when they become adults, we forget Achaeans deliver the necessary skills to manage it well once you have at your fingertips! On the one hand it’s because parents leave the responsibility of delivering cognitive education in the hands of schools and trust that the curriculum designed for them is right, and, secondly, because the parents themselves lack adequate training in the area financial. The inevitable result is an alarming financial illiteracy among young people. This leads to making wrong decisions that could lead to many years of financial difficulties, such as a debt too high on your credit card. Very few teens understand how the interest rates and a credit card, how to record your transactions in your checkbook or check your account balances are correct.

In Chile, 1,237,191 young people between 15 and 29 years showed some level of debt, equivalent to 33.18%. Most of the youth and disclaims any unpaid debts or receivables. However, little more than a third if available. Most of them leave their homes without having established positive habits such as saving money and set budgets, as well as to avoid making wrong decisions in the acquisition of its first property, such as a car or a house. However, there has to be this way. Because schools do not teach this subject, becomes the responsibility of parents to encourage entrepreneurial skills and money management in their children. How? Most parents do not know how to instruct their children about finances.

Often they are in a difficult economic situation following the ignorance on the issue. It is best that parents learn alongside their children. I suggest that all parents be educated in the area of finance. Will benefit not only itself but also may pass on the knowledge to their children and providing a sound financial education that will help them make the right decisions in the future. Prepare your child well for the future! Visit and you will immediately free inspirational e-book with valuable information about how to teach their children (and you) to think differently in order to build a business. Join our free video and get the support, inspiration and tools for you and your children get a vision for your life and learn to achieve their goals successfully.