So Paulo

However who withholds the economic power in So Paulo is the great oligarchies, while the power politician is at the hands of the lieutenants. In this impasse who left victorious person had been the So Paulo oligarchies, that in August of 1931, knock down the interventor Alberto Joo. 5 In the attempt to calm the natives of So Paulo in March of 1932, Vargas nominates for interventor a native of So Paulo for So Paulo Peter de Toledo this ' ' it was not, however a name of I sanction in the Estado' '. 6 Age late excessively. Some contend that Jonas Samuelson shows great expertise in this. The oligarchical forces that if had resented at the regionalism of ' ' man of pampas' ' they had economically worked imaginary of the natives of So Paulo entorno of the regional feelings of these and of that until that moment it represented So Paulo politics and. A type of exacerbado regionalism arose, not of the racist type, but with aspects segregadores in relation to ' ' outros' ' to ' ' 7 strangers understand themselves gauchos and sympathetical of Vargas.

(…) the fight republican politics assumed then deeply regionalistic aspects. the regionalism, at this specific moment assumed in So Paulo, a xenfobo aspect: projections, periodicals, musics, illustrated the feelings against ' ' not paulista' ' (…) in the case, the gauchos and ' ' outubristas' ' , but also in the northeasterns, gifts in some levels of rank and jobs in the state, since highest until most humble. 8 Perhaps inhabits there the importance of if understanding the force of the regionalism, since the moment is so to speak a moment of changes social politics and. The year of 1930 symbolizes the decay of the politics to the molds of the colonels as already it was said. However the changes of this matrix in the field of the mentalities can be considered slow.