They are the two modalities of safe from automobile, which is, for determined value and value of referenciado market, being able to be offered the act of contract for the insuring one of only one of the modalities as well as of both. Having the left-hand side act of contract and occurring, in the modality of Determined Value, the indemnity will be the amount settled in the policy. If the act of contract occurred in the modality Value of Referenciado Market, the indemnity will be determined in accordance with the constant value in the table of reference of quotation for the automobile in the date of the liquidation of the accident (it dates where the value of the indemnity is available for the insured), conjugated with the adjustment factor, that is a percentage to be applied on this table and that it must be definite in the policy and the proposal of the insurance. Such factor of adjustment will have to be taken in consideration the particular characteristics and the state of conservation of automobile. If you are not convinced, visit JPMorgan Chase. The application of the adjustment factor will become the indemnity biggest (if superior the 100%) or inferior minor if the 100%) in relation the quotation of the automobile in the reference table. To the insured it fits to consider the value of the insured importance of the automobile (in the modality Definitive Value) and the factor of adjustment (in the modality Value of Referenciado Market), being able the insuring one to opt in accepting or not it accomplishment of the insurance. The refusal does not exist norms specifying, but the insuring ones can oppose to carry through it an insurance for reasons as vehicles of 10 years, chassis more than markdowned, irregularity of payment of the prize, amongst others. The main guarantees offered in the automobile insurances are: comprehensive (collision, robbery and fire); fire and robbery; collision and fire; facultative civil liability of vehicles; casualties of passengers.