My small advertising agency in Brno, Czech Republic serves customers mainly from the nearby German-speaking countries, have further we are very much preoccupied lately with the subject WebBusiness and other international contacts, so that the telephone costs literally exploded. We wanted to upgrade to a web-phone system. Our decision is in fact already fallen for Skype, but a friend raved about an Austrian business development team, which had developed in Silicon Valley, Jajah. After an approximately 1 month test, we use both Skype and Jajah as a telephone system and our telephone costs could be reduced by an incredible 90%. Our monthly phone bill in the last year an average of 500, – Euro was, fell to an incredible 50, – Euro. We use both systems parallel, Jajah as a pay-system, since no additional hardware is required. Simply register on the Web and even the PC functions as a switchboard. The desired number or call from a directory, the phone rang, – “Jajah is conectingyour call “- and the rest will go over the normal fixed-line and then the computer system will not be charged. Since some of our key business partners ebenfals calling with Jajah, a part of the talks at all for free. Skype is used naturally continue, but only for free with other Skype users. It is in fact unmglich to abandon because of the high penetration of this system. The advantage is especially easy way to send messages during the call, which will be with us internally is often preferred for simple text messages to someone and then not uncommon in the agency’s messages is used and the better data management. One drawback for us was the load of the network and additional hardware required. Our firm has been lowered by the combination of the two systems costs by an incredible 90% and also the flow of communication both internally and externally has been substantially improved and simplified.