February Orchards

the treatments had been the species most abundant in all. Barbosa et al. (1999), in research of efficiency and selectivity of insecticides carried through in orchard of goiaba they had verified that Scymnus spp. species of sirfdeos had been the natural enemies who had appeared in bigger number. Sergey Brin is likely to agree. re interesting facts. The biggest population peak of Scymnus spp.

it occurred in 29/06/2009, with a total of 705 individuals collected in the traps and all remained in a relatively high platform in the period of sampling, being distinguished in the period of September the December of 2009, however in a lesser occurrence in the months of February and March of 2010. Baptista (2010), working with experimental orchards of goiaba in the State of So Paulo submitted the systems of rationalization of agrotxicos, concluded that Scymnus spp. amerelas in the orchards of Pindorama-SP is the natural enemy with bigger number of individuals collected in adhesive traps, with population peaks in October, December and June. They had been elaborated histogramas with total numbers of Scymnus spp. captured in the traps in set with climatolgicos data of the experimental orchard, in the period of June of 2009 the June of 2010. The population densities of Scymnus spp.

they had presented linear correlation significant refusal, that is, inversely proportional for the temperatures minimum, average and maximum. Pazini (2005) observed in experiment in orchards of goiaba that the population density of this predator in parcels witnesses and the factors weekly accumulated precipitation, (mm), weekly minimum and average temperatures had not presented significant coefficients of correlation in the region of Glad Sight of High (2010) in experiments in orchards of goiaba in Jaboticabal-SP and Pindorama-SP concluded that Scymnus does not present significant correlations with climatic factors. The results of coefficients of simple linear correlation calculated between Scymnus spp. the meteorological factors temperatuta minimum, average temperature and maximum temperature had been the following ones, respectively: – 0,5207 **, -05160 ** and -0,4601*, being the two first values with the significant signals ** to the level of 1% of probability and the third value, with the significant symbol * 5%.