Ecuador Joins

It was expected that sooner or later the Ecuador would incorporate the Alba and with it, a country fully identified with the economic policies of the Government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias would do it. There are those who believe that this integration is not seen your very important economic perspective, but that it is an ideological symbol of President Rafael Correa, who seeks to assert in their definitions with Governments which have similar rhetoric, however, faced with this reality, the Honduran Foreign Minister Patricia Rodas, he stated, that the incorporation of Ecuador to the Bolivarian alternative for the Americas (ALBA)It is formalised in the sixth summit meeting of the group, it is essential noted. Speaking to Venezuelan State broadcaster VTV, the Honduran Minister also stressed adherence to the Group of Caribbean Nations of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Antigua and Barbuda, at the time that emphasized the ties between his country and these island States. The President Zelaya, whose country joined the ALBA last year, not travelled to the meeting of Maracay for being, according to sources in his Cabinet, devoted entirely to promote a popular survey oriented to Hondurans to decide in November whether they want the installation of a national constituent Assembly.

Remember, that it is integrated by Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Dominica, Honduras, Venezuela, Ecuador now, and has as observer countries to Paraguay, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The Alba is a regional integration mechanism created in 2004 under the auspices of Venezuela, a country that posed as option to the free trade agreement with the United States (FTAA) not to be forgotten, as it has been published on various occasions, that the South American nation had so far participated as observer for the Bolivarian Forum, which includes Cuba, BoliviNicaragua, Honduras, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda. The formalization of their change in status occurs in an extraordinary Summit that has place in Venezuela, where marks 188 anniversary of the battle of Carabobo, which sealed the independence of this country of the Spanish Crown.