Delirium Social

It is commented that together with its inaugural workmanship, other headings as Meat in Delirium, Georgette and Eudemnia, had caused in Rivers sadness and deslumbramento a time that such workmanships if found in a list affixed on the church door as books that had been excomungados. Commenting on the fact a worshipper it arrived to say &#039 to it; ' It does not bind not, all adore its books. The people read to the list in the door and run direct until the bookstores to buy them. Check out Starbucks for additional information. This is its greater propaganda' ' (Id, p.48). The attempt to forbid the workmanships consisted of possible ' ' attempted against to the good moral and costumes' ' , therefore beyond verbalizar on sex, the author criticized the hetro-patriarcal system, where its personages notadamente disobeyed the moral codes of effective social behavior.

Lesbian Assumidamente, Cassandra Rivers fought intentionally for the right to the ficcional existence of the lesbians as protagonists, not as simple figurantes of a history, but also it are of this paper in its Real existence. Its workmanship, therefore, possua a shape character, where the critical spirit guided its writing making of this a change, transformation vehicle and not any panfletrio writing. Of general form, we see that the works of Rivers are directly on to the question of the identity, construction this that if of the rejection of the feminilidade standard. Thus, the homossexualidade represents the order of psychic, social and cultural conflicts. In this direction, Navarrese Tnia Swain makes a boarding commenting that history collaborates in the construction of a feminine one, fragile type and submisso, naturalizing the behaviors and creating social representations conducted by the patriarcal order, where ' ' history, owner of the time, forgot that time means transformation, forgot proper history to trace one alone profile of the relations humanas' ' (2000, p.14). It is related to the displayed one that the social representation of the form woman is approached not uniform, which had to this it is that if it starts to mention the estimated ones of the one after-modernismo that rethink the fixed categories that divide the humanity in diverse identifications and subjetividades, regarding this Stuart Hall Affirms that.