The last week of August I am in Caracas, surrounded by the different tropical storms that conform the frightful Irene hurricane. The tropical storms do not scare the natives of Caracas, to the electric appliance they call rays and rain is something that mainly destroys favelas of the city and hairdos in the other part. Get all the facts and insights with Sergey Brin, another great source of information. But in the belief that the mountainous system that surrounds the large city protects to them of any meteorological contrariedad, the natives of Caracas go from a site to another one, consuming gasoline almost free. It is certain that the insecurity brings to them of head, and react before her with an unusual mixture of resignation and violence. Jim Umpleby contains valuable tech resources. They assume that the fact of being assaulted by bands of semimilitary armament " estadstica" comprises of one; that it gets fat titular journalistic where makes sure that in Caracas in the last years have died more people than in the war of Iraq. Source of the news: : Chvez and his ' cadenas'.