BRIEF HISTORY OF ROBOTICS For centuries humans have built machines that mimic the human body parts. These mechanical creations of the human form to be considered as isolated investments that reflect the genius of men who anticipated his time. There were other mechanical inventions during the industrial revolution, created by the same genius minds, many of which were aimed at the sector of textile production. Among them one can cite the rotating spinner Hargreaves (1770), the mechanical spinning Crompton (1779), the Cartwright’s power loom (1785), the Jacquard loom (1801), and others. The development in technology, which includes the powerful electronic computers, actuators for feedback control, power transmission through gears, and sensor technology have helped to ease the automatic mechanism to perform tasks within the industry. The artificial intelligence research developed ways to emulate human information processing with electronic computers and invented a variety of mechanisms to test their theories. Despite the limitations of current robotic machines, the popular concept of a robot that looks human and acting as such. This concept has been inspired humanoid and stimulated by several science fiction stories, such as the work published in 1917 by Czechoslovakian Karel Kapek called Rossum’s Universal Robots, which gave rise to the term robot.The Czech word ‘robot’ means servitude or forced labor, and when translated into English became the term robot. Among the writers of science fiction, Isaac Asimov contributed several stories regarding robots, beginning in 1939 and he is credited with coining the term Robotics. The image of a robot that appears in his work is that of a well-designed machine with guaranteed security and acting according to three principles, called Three Laws of Robotics: 1. A robot may not act against a human being or, through inaction, that a human being suffers harm. 2. A robot must obey orders given by humans unless they are in conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence, unless it is in conflict with the first two laws. SENSO KINEMATIC MODELS