African Historiografia

Professor: Ribeiro landmarks Da Silva SUMMARY: Work carried through with the objective to analyze the difficulties of setrabalhar the History of Africa in the schools. In the reality what it has seobservado he is that many educators not estao prepared to deal comcertas situations that the approval of law 10639/03, where tornouobrigatrio the education of the History of descending, generating in the half pertaining to school and academics some fidgets and muitasdvidas Africa and afro. Mainly in the question to teach as? If we do not know? It stops beyond the interrogations, the law discloses something that the specialists emHistria of Africa come alerting have certain time: ' ' esquecemos' ' to deestudar the African Continent. From these constataes, dessaforma is that this work has for bigger objective to analyze the form comoa History of Africa and the Africans had been represented in dospoucos elaborated didactic books of History in the country that approach africa with a specific chapter. roup to learn more. The many critical and short ones elogiosdevem to be understood not as disrespect to the work of the author, mascomo an alert one: we must come back our looks toward Africa, for the undisputed suarelevncia as palco of the actions human beings and for the profundasrelaes that we keep with that Continent by means of the chamadoAtlntico world. Word-key: African Historiografia; difficulties-livrodidtico the History of Africa and the didactic book What we know on Africa? Perhaps the answers suffer some variations, in the density and the substance of content, depending for who or where the question is pronounced. I believe, however, that silence or the souvenirs and images marked for prejudiced esteretipos go to become common point in speak of that if to interest to formulate some reply. Today we have disciplines it History of Africa in the courses of History, but in times behind it did not exist, exactly having the history of Africa in our curricular grating still we feel difficulty, the serious one of everything is that the schools do not possess the material necessary as, for example, books, DVD that treat regarding the question.

But we go to analyze what it happens with an African world, the agony, of the AIDS that if spreads, of the hunger that jams, of the etnias that if faces with great violence etc. While historian, I believe that the didactic books and proper history in only show the sacrificoso side to them of the black, leaving of side its cultures and origins, where they are our proper origins. One perceives that for we historians still lack very to arrive at the waited objective, although sabermosda approval of law 10639/03, this that if became obligator the education of the History of Africa and the descending afros, but what this happening with the schools? This law this being studied and analyzed by all the educators? Or simply it exists for existing? We must search understanding and analysis of the humanity in its trajectory in the time. This cannot occur only for obligation because the curricular grating snake, but yes to understand more the good side of Africa, power to count histories, to come back CIP – BRAZIL Catalogao in the national syndical source of the book publishers. RIO DE JANEIRO. DECRAENE. Philipe.

Pan africanismo. European diffusion of the Book. Congresses e> confernciaspan-Africans. The tribal nationalism, particularitities and the relations of the African countries with the great ones harness.