Projects Education

9 – Waited results: – Change of behaviors of the involved ones in the Project, with the search of the ambient quality. – Reinforcement of the image of the Institution with partner of the society in the dissemination of sustainable practical knowledge and. – The valuation and recognition to interdisciplinar. – Awareness and performance of the regional community, in favor of the environment, through the stages developed for the Project in focus. 10 – Proposal of action: Considering minute done study and search of basement of the premises of this work, after documentary and comments all made, one becomes necessary and pertinent that are presented actions that allow a possible change of this real picture of the surrounding flora.

For this, it is considered: – Survey of the ambient profile of E.E. ‘ ‘ Rousset’ professor; ‘ (if he possesss green area, horta, separation of garbage, etc.); – Survey of the Projects that already they had been developed in the schools; – Mobilization of all the pertaining to school community for the implantation of activities that acquire knowledge on the ambient questions; – Accomplishment of educative campaigns using the available medias (the said press and writing, regional TV, pamphlet distribution, folders, posters), in order to inform and to stimulate the population in relation to the problematic pertaining to school flora/; – To work excessively You discipline of the School, involving them in the awareness process and ambient action, proposals in this Project; – To promote the integration between School, community and the organizations that work in the diverse dimensions of the ambient question (Polices To militate, Body of Firemen, Sanitary Monitoring, IAP, ONGs etc.), with the objective to extend the knowledge and to accomplish the implementation of the cited Project. 11 – Methodology: The Project adopts as reference the method used for the Government of Minas Gerais for the ambient management sustainable in its units, that have as premise the education and the mobilization of its servers. Also interdisciplinares considers action that they aim at exits for problems of the disciplinaridade. Based on this method and the diagnosis of the ambient quality of the School, the qualitative research will be used, with photographic documentation, interviews with the involved ones, comment of the studied area and disgnostic data-collecting, in all the stages of implantation and implementation of the Project.