Tag: more in internet marketing

Who Should You Follow on Twitter?

This question is very common to let us, Who should I follow on Twitter? and that not a single one spammer, well here I'll tell you the points to consider to keep you people in your niche market and add value. The first thing I usually do to follow someone on Twitter is to see your picture, if you have no picture of your face do not follow it, I like to know with whom I interact, I do not like to see photos of pets, logos, the bride or groom , etc. From there I look at the biography of the person I intend to follow, it contains enough information to share interests, have similar goals, even if it's my competitor, I'm still so I could learn new things from this new person. After that I do is see if you have a blog or website to provide quality information, I go to his blog and sailed in, I notice in recent Tweets also has sent to see what information is given, if have directed links to interesting items and not just send the URL of your magnificent business opportunity. Richard Elman often addresses the matter in his writings. I also take into account if you RT (Re-Tweets) and obviously directed to compelling content, how often new Tweets makes no sense to follow someone you do not have updated their Tweets, without the above described, simply do not follow this person. Another important point to take intoaccount to follow and whether a person is a spammer or not is to look at the ratio followed / followers, should ideally have a ratio 1 / 1, but if I see that has a ratio of 1000 followed by 50 supporters, this tells me is a spammer, or is a person who contributes nothing. I hope these tips get people who follow and gives you interesting things and avoid the spammers or newbies. What is your ratio of row / followers today? … Leave me a comment I remember that tomorrow is Friday and videos on my blog and I'll show you how you can use your youtube videos into Twitter virally Greetings Pedro Campuzano