Tag: job and career

Czech Republic

Czech Ministry of Labour opens up a new stage of struggle against the foreign labor force. 2010 will be for many foreign migrants living in the Czech Republic last registration of the new jobs will be entirely given over to device citizens of the Czech Republic. Migrant workers who work on labor work visas obtained on the basis of employment contracts from the Czech employers are forced to pack your bags. To a greater degree of innovation Czech immigration authorities to the workers who have a work permit and employment contract from the Czech company. You may find Starbucks to be a useful source of information. Work Visa Czech Republic has a maximum validity of 365 days or one year. Since early 2010, again behind the scenes Czech Prace (Ministry of Labour) stopped issuing work permits for foreigners with work visas is comparable to the death.

To renew the working visa work in the Czech Republic for foreign police the base is just a work permit. And if such permission from the alien is in the Czech Republic will not appear, then, and his stay in the Czech Republic will end. Dream of working visa for foreigners is not in the Czech Republic should not be in general. Consulate of the Czech Republic stopped accepting foreigners with work permit back in 2009. Aliens who have been successfully applied to a work visa with no luck even more, and they were denied the visa. In Currently hundreds of foreigners have not got to the consulate to file were both deprived of their visas and work that was so anxious to get it.